
What would win in a fight between a adult bengal tiger and a full-grown gorilla?

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  1. Tiger, no question. It's stronger and much better armed than a gorilla, and has evolved to kill large prey animals much bigger than gorillas.

  2. Hmmm, probably the Gorrila, since its smarter. But then again, the Bengal Tiger is a tough b*****d... if the Tiger gets a sneak attack on its side, the Gorrila is going down...but on a face-off... their about equally tough, and it also depends on the gender of each. Many animals have larger female versions and larger Male versions.

  3. If the Tigers named Tony then the Gorilla doesnt stand a chance.

    The average bengal Tiger weighs in at about 700lbs, Gorillas can lift anywhere from 1-2000 lbs.

    I think the tiger would win though, its a hunter. It kills to Survive and its what it was built for.. One right claw or bite and the fight would be over. The gorilla if not trained in martial arts before the fight would have to grab, smash and pummle the tiger to death while recieving gashes and probably a few nasty bites.. Would be a fight to see.

    You have to take terrain into account to. Open field should give the Gorilla the chance to see the tiger, in the brush the tiger would get the jump on it.

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