
What would work best against my dog's fleas?

by Guest66880  |  earlier

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I'm a new puppy owner and wish I could do something about his scratching himself. I actually saw one plop down on my magazine earlier today. Gross ... Help!




  1. Take him to the vet right away. Get a safe pill and/or topical treatment. Some treatments can be dangerous to young dogs, and all of them can be toxic if overused or combined.

    The fleas cause skin infection, lack of sleep, general discomfort, and intestinal parasites. Do your puppy a favor and be responsible!

  2. Get Frontline for dogs brilliant and buy a spray for your house and spray on every were the dog lie.xx

  3. Call your vet and ask for Advantage, Frontline, Advantix,Revolution, Capstar or Comfortis. Remember for every flea on your pup there are 50 in your house that are multiplying by at least double every day.

  4. Get flea treatment from your vet.  Also, to continue, if you put brewer's yeast in their food, it helps make their fur shinier and also protects against fleas.

  5. Try Frontline or Advantage

  6. I use Frontline Plus personally, because unlike Advantage and normal Frontline, Plus has insect growth inhibitor in it which breaks the flea reproductive cycle. I also know from experience that the best way to get rid of a serious flea problem is to put the dogs/cats on a combination of Frontline Plus and giving them Capstar a few times a month.

  7. frontline you put it on there fur it works great!

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