
What would you Die for?

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If you had to give up your life today what or who would give it up for?




  1. 4 myself

  2. My God.

    His son Jesus Christ.

    Any one of my spiritual brothers and sisters.

    My family.

    x x x

  3. My principles...and my partner

  4. People who say they would die for their God and their religion are no better than the crazy suicide bombers.

    They really believe they are going to a better place and that is dangerous (and stupid)

    I'd die to save real people. Not to please an imaginary tyrant.

  5. My dedication and loyalty to God, my family(spiritual and fleshly) situations arose would be third.

  6. philisophical much?


    i'd probably die for my brother. i love him, and i don't know what'd i'd do without any part of my family

  7. my daughter, my husband. any of my family

  8. At this moment in Time, I can't think of much at all to give it up for anything or anyone,  So I suppose that would mean I wouldn't give it up,  well at this moment in Time...  

  9. well i'm not planning to die today (unles this hangover kills me) so today it'll have to be a biggie like placing my body in the way to deflect a continent sized asteroid about to disintegrate our planet.


  10. id die for my family they mean the world to me x

  11. no one  

  12. Jehovah, Jesus, all of my spiritual family and  my relatives.

  13. Right now? Well a nice big juicy spliff and a couple of bottles of Champagne... Oh yes, lets not forget an enormous hamper full of delicious Belgian truffles.... If I were still in contact with Mark from Bournemouth, I'd add in a bag each of his fantastic white, milk and plain chocolate hashish truffles.... they were definately to die for... xx

  14. a cigarette right now ooooooo did not read the Q properly lol id give up life for nothing like he said

  15. my son, my wife, fate of mankind  ha ha


  16. Nothing. Life is too precious to give away.

  17. my kids for sure x

  18. I dont know its realy scary to answer



  19. i would die for my religion. if i had to give up the location of a brother, and the work was under a ban, and i was to be to be killed to give up the location, i would quicker die, than give up the location. so i'll agree with Jadore. i'll die for my God, Jehovah, for my brothers and sisters, for my religion. i'd wouldn't give up those things even if it meant my life.

  20. My family.

  21. old age....

  22. when geting old for re born

  23. I've heard before,'' if you can find something to live for you better find something to die for '' !

  24. You only really start to feel alive when you find something worth dying for.

    I'm pretty sure I'd die to save the life of someone else if I was put in that situation. I'd certainly die to save the people I love.

    To quote the mighty John Rambo LOL :)

    "Live for nothing, or die for something."

  25. To prevent something worse than my death from happening.

  26. a turkeysandwitch and some orange juice. god i am hungry right now

  27. Oh God that's a good question....   I would die for someone else's life but in some cases, like with my mum, she's told me she would rather she died because she wouldn't be able to live thinking that she was alive because I wasn't and I can totally understand that. Are we talking like a spur of the moment cliff scenario? If so then I would happily die for someone else's life, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't.

  28. I don't quite understand the deal - If I had to die I'd have to die - If there were any possible plea bargaining it would be for the future of the world if I couldn't have that - my kids.

  29. I could die for a Thought

  30. freedom-better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

  31. To protect my family. Of course it would have to me measured you can only do it once!

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