
What would you add to the list of frivolous CO2 activites to be banned in a world believing in AGW?

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For starters:






World Cup Soccer

Spring Break Travel

Out of Town Vacations

Climate Conferences at Resorts (ie. Bali)




  1. I disagree with your perspective.  While I am an adamant supporter of monitoring energy use and working towards a cleaner environment, and while yes, I would agree that there are some things that we can be more responsible about, such as food and material transportation, I think you're misguided in thinking that certain activities are "frivolous" or need to be banned.

    For instance, out of town vacations, especially to other areas of the world different than your own, can be very enlightening.  When you experience a different culture than you're adjusted to, you expand your thought process, and begin to empathize and understand other people's viewpoints.  

    Perhaps someone doesn't care about the plight of hurricane victims, or other victims of natural disasters.  But they decide to go visit New Orleans because they've heard it's an awesome party town, and they love jazz.  But upon visiting, they get firsthand exposure to the devastation still remaining several years later.  In taking that trip, they would have ended up becoming a more enlightened, educated person with a different perspective or worldview.  And as the increase in severity of hurricanes is partially a result of global warming, this can affect people's mindsets as to how or why they should be dealing with it.

    I can also tell you're not much of a sports enthusiast (neither am I), but some of these events, particularily world events like World Cup Soccer, can foster cooperation with different countries, which in turn can result in greater results dealing cooperatively with other governments in dealing with the climate crisis.

    In the end, what it boils down to is the fact that if you tell people "We need to ban this and this and this", you will be resented.  And people will be more reticent to follow your example, or to even care what you're talking about.  People are, by nature, kind of selfish sometimes, and want to know how something affects them.  And if the only answers you have are negative, they're not going to care.

    The better response would be to come up with energy effecient and non-wasteful or harmful energy alternatives so that people can continue to do many of the things they enjoy without it leaving the kind of negative impact on the environment that it does today.

  2. Smoking

  3. NONE

    It does not matter how much energy you use if you use the right source.

    It does not matter how much money you make as long as you earn it in a fair and responsible manner.

    Solving global warming will cost less than 5% of the world GDP while it will increase 200 to 300% over the next 50 years.

  4. You seem to be setting up a false dilemma (logical fallacy) whereby you only offer 2 options:

    1) Suffer from AGW

    - or -

    2) Give up many things we enjoy

    There's an additional option that's already being implemented in other countries.  It's using energy more wisely and new clean sources of energy.  We can indeed have our cake and eat it too, if only we quit being ridiculously wasteful and resistant to change.

    What's wrong with an electric vehicle NASCAR race?  Check out the new Tesla to see what electric cars can do.

  5. All carbonated soft drinks.


    the UN.

    all shipping from china.

  6. We'd need to review our priorities as far as some of our tech:  Cell Phones, Ipods, Gaming, etc.  Manufacturing this stuff creates more CO2 than the entire airline industry worldwide.  It was discussed at the international gaming convention earlier this year.

  7. 1, Using computers to answer frivolous questions on frivolous co2 activities.

    2, Any physical activity which increases an individual's co2 output.

  8. Political campaigning would be at the top of my list! It is not strictly necessary for candidates to actually be there.

    You already mention several forms of auto racing. IRL is the one I would drop, since few people bother with it anyway.

  9. Bottled Water.  It's already banned in places.

  10. Rap and country music.

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