
What would you advise your child to do in this situation?

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The streets are getting more and more dangerous. You don't know who is carrying what weapons with the intent to use them for serious harm.

Last night, at about 9pm I was walking home from a friend's house. A group of about 6 lads (probably about 17/18 year olds) attacked me when they saw I had a phone. They told me that they wanted me to give it to them, I obviously refused. They started hitting me and pushed me down to the ground. Then they were all kicking me in the head, ribs, everywhere. They threatened that if I didn't give them my phone then they'd kick me until I was dead. So, I dialled 999 on my phone and told them that if they didn't leave me alone I'd call the police. They ran off.

As a 19 year old, I probably had a better chance than some younger teenagers would. I'm quite lucky that none of them had weapons and that they ran away when they did. I have a swollen face, cut lip and bruises all down my ribs. They could have done a lot worse.

What would you advise your child to do in such a situation?

It was a big gang, so it's hard to just walk away. Surely you wouldn't tell them to just hand over their phone and if they fought back there's a chance they would have weapons, in which case worse damage would be done.




  1. I would hand over the phone. As a not very big 17 year old girl I couldn't handle 6 boys and handing over my phone would hopefully save a lot of hassle. I would rather hand it over and walk away than get pushed around and have it taken off me anyway. If I had children I would tell them to do the same. I wouldn't just give it to anyone who demanded it but if it was quite obvious they would do something to me if I didn't I'd rather lose a phone and avoid getting hurt.

  2. To be honest, if it were me, I would give them my phone.

    I ride horses and do jumping etc. and I wouldn't want to have to stop riding for a while because I'm hurting too much. However, I don't think you should just tell kids that they should give in.. afterall, you never know what they would do anyways.

    That is a tough situation and Im sorry you had to go through that.

    Depending on where you live, if there are lots of gangs, I probably wouldn't be caught outside alone after dark (or when no one is around) anyways. Maybe tell them to always stick with a buddy and be cautious of were their going. Have cell phones easily accessable and be ready to call 911 (or whererver you live, if its 999 there) in case of emergency.

  3. um it was stupid of you to get beat up over a stupid cell phone. if i, or a child (i dont have any im only 15) was in that situation, i would have just handed if over if they were rough. think about it, would you rather have your cell phone, or your life??

  4. i hope you are feeling okay today, i am inclined to say yes take the ephone, but im also aware that we all have instincts and there is no correct way to behave in such a situation, i just wish we didnt have to think about suchh things, if youve worked hard and got a nice phone i wish the world was safe enough for you to show it off!

  5. You know what I'm glad you are alive and only have minor injuries. I would have given them my phone simply because a phone costs so little compared to your life. If you had given them your phone you could have rang your network and told them it was stolen and to stop your phone. Also you could have rang your contacts

    (that u can remember) off a land line and explained to them if they get any daft calls its not you. In this day and age no one cares about any one.

  6. Conceal your phone; notify the police; if possible find a different route home, and preferably have another person with you; also remember a phone or any possession is a lot less valuable than your life.  Use good judgement.  Joseph

  7. make sure the phone is not on show but easy to reach in a situation like tht, eg inside or top pocket, if they see trouble at all dial 999

  8. I would advise my child that their most valuable possession is their life. Phone, Ipod, jewellery or whatever can always be replaced, their life cannot. Hand it over, tell the thugs they are welcome to it and walk away, in fact tell them that's how you came by it, it may even earn you some kudos in their eyes and save you a beating.

    Personally I would string the lot of them up, they are the cancer of society but life is more precious than any material possession.

    If I was your parent I would have severely ticked you off, anyway glad to hear you were not too seriously hurt.

    Just don't do that again please,


  9. Yes, I would have told my child to hand over the phone. It's not worth the risk of injury or death, and the phone can be traced using GPS.  Then I would have told my child that under no circumstances could s/he be out alone in that neighborhood at night again. If necessary, I'd drive him/her to where s/he needed to go.

  10. I'm glad your ok,if my kids were your age i think i would say hand over your phone money if you get attacked ,

    my kids probably would not fight back and its a hard one to answer I'm just glad your are ok and well done for standing up to them hun

  11. this is an extremly hard one and a situation many people would not want to be faced with its hard to give advise on whata to do but how you can prevent it is by making yourself not to vulnerable so u r not such an easy target make it expensive thing much more discreet and try and avoid people and places like this during the night

    hope this helped


    and im sorry to hear dat


  12. I would have told my child to hand the phone over.  I'm sorry you don't agree, but I'd much rather my child loses their phone rather than their life.  Even if they don't have weapons, punches and kicks can kill you, especially if you are outnumbered.  Why take chances with your life?

    A stupid phone isn't worth it.  

  13. Report it to the police IMMEDIATELY. Report it as an Assault. I am a retired policeman, describe the face, body image, name of street, and explain to the police what they did to you.

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