
What would you answer?!

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You love a girl/boy very much, but your best friend loves her/him too. You know that she/he loves her/him, but she/he doesn't know that you love her/him. But the girl/boy loves you and not your best friend.

So what would you do? Would you choose the love and loose your best friend or choose your best friend?! What's more important to you?




  1. it depends, but i woulld say i'll keep my friend...

  2. Whoa, that was kind of confusing, I would keep the friend though.

  3. Tthanks God am not stuck'n Deep Relationships whateva Friendships or other .... So i don't Bash ma mind with such things....

    Never believe in Friendships and Relation ships at ALL

    Plus wanna ma opinion in such thing ..... Who love someone gotta go and get her ....  and from my opinion too that Gals shouldn't love guys as not to bash their minds too............In other words, if a guy love a gal hey dude go and get her ....because by all ways whateva the gal did or tried to pick someone she loves and the guy ain't caring for that things....So forget it .....It won't come-up with anything and the gal just loosing and wating her time .......and even if she got him and everything went as she wanna ...Sorry she lost her dignity even in the guy's eyes she choosed cuz she who ran after him not he who did so....

    So In brief.....Who wanna Somebody go and get it before another get it because u will regret it sooner or later when u loose it..

    BTW too Time don't heal as much as it's thought to do the contrary DEEPENS the THINGS MORE than u think

  4. i'll do what's right.

  5. CHOOSE YOUR BEST FRIEND..... there are only few best friends.

    but there are also many guys to choose from

  6. There is more then one guy in this world so i would say keep the best friend.

    although when we die we won't have anyone..

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