
What would you ask an author if you were interviewing them about a book they wrote?

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I need 15 questions.




  1. Some of these questions have already been written, but these are questions I might want to know. I agree with reader, however, that some questions would depend on who the author is.

    1. How did you originally conceive the story?

    2. How long did it take you to write it?

    3. Did you make an outline before you began to write?

    4. Did you do character studies before writing your book?

    5. You can't really believe that tripe? (If I thought it had a stupid message.)

    6. How did your worldview and ideology affect the story?

    7. Did you pattern any of your characters after people you know?

    8. Did you base any of the action on true events either in the news or from your personal experience?

    9. Who was your favorite character in the story?

    10. Who is your favorite living author?

    11. Who is your favorite dead author?

    12. What is your favorite book of all time?

    13. What person, alive or dead, would you most like to meet?

    14. How pleased were you with the final draft of your story?

    15. Are you working on anything else now?

    16. If you are working on a new book, what is it about?

    17. Which character in your story is most like you?

    18. Was becoming an author a lifelong dream?

    19. Do you have any hobbies?

    20. How many drafts of your story did you have before the final version was complete?

    21. Once the book was complete, how long did it take before the book hit the stores?

  2. That would depend entirely on which author and what book.

  3. How many questions have you thought of so far?

    I'd ask:

    --where did you first get the idea for the book?

    --what are your work habits--do you write longhand, on computer, do you keep a regular schedule?

    --how did you find an agent?

    --are you planning to write a sequel?

    --what are you working on now?

  4. What was the origin of your interest in this particular topic?

    Was there anything in your own life that mirrors the theme of your book.

    If a prospective readedr could only read one chapter, which one would it be?  Why?

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