
What would you be willing to go to war for?

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What would it take for you to fight for your country's citizens?




  1. free ammunition and food  paychecks are always a plus.

  2. A significant threat to the lives and liberties of my fellow citizens.

  3. I would fight so we could truly live under the constitutional believes, not for the lies of oil, or the greed of our leaders.

  4. As an individual, I've found that getting angry & "going to war" with someone often results in damage to myself, as well as to my opponent, so, I've changed my tactics.

    I ventm work out my frustration, take a few deep breaths, then do due diligence & research, come up with a plan, confront my opponent with the facts & most often, end up in a win-win scenario.

    War, in any form, is hurtful to all involved - including innocent bystanders.

  5. I would go to war and fight for the USA, for any reasons necessary to protect the country and its citizens. Matter of fact, I did for eight years,  and will again, and be proud to do it.  Hope you would too.

  6. already doing that!

  7. I think 9/11/01 was that point for a lot of people. The press has mischaracterized the war and in many cases sided with the enemy which in turn has misled a lot of the American people since the war began. I might also be willing to go to war to protect our southern border against the invasion from the south.

  8. If it was a cause I believed in so strongly that I'd put my life down.  This would most definitley entail having a very real and serious threat to my country, but most importantly, the rights and freedoms of the people in my country.  This war would really have to hit home and actually pose a serious threat.  The only war I can truly think of in history that would meet all of those criteria is WW2.

  9. When the citizens of this country get off their lazy butts and cry "we have had enough BS.  Restore the Constitution or face a 2nd American Revolution."

    Then I'm ready for war.  But that does not mean I may wait until ALL the citizens cry out.

  10. We have had enough wars and actually people are fighting for peace to prevail in this world.  Let us not talk of war but of peace and prosperity, brotherhood, moral values, respect for women, childrens rights, humanitarian considerations and most of all try to bridge the gap between the "Haves" and "Have Nots".  

    Look at these paradoxical situations - 1 per cent of world's population is owning 40 per cent of wealth and the other 60 percent is under litigation.

    Another: It is reported that half the population of the world is starving and the other half is dieting.  Those dieting do not want to feed the starving but are s(h)itting over the wealth they possess.

    Future war will be for water and natural resources.  

    US of A's war on Iraq has ensured its control over oil reserves for its future survival.

  11. I would go to war so you may have the right to disagree with me.

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