
What would you bring?

by  |  earlier

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Imagine that you have been told that you must leave your house and that you have only 15 MINUTES to gather belongings that fit into a backpack because you are in imminent danger! Assume that you will not return, or your house will have been destroyed by natural or manmade causes. What would you bring???




  1. my laptop and the six pack that I just put in the fridge.

  2. money, important documents and my love ones

  3. meds, change of clothes, pet essentials, cell phone & attachements, pocket book

  4. I'd put the wheels back on it and take my house.

  5. I would only take my memories. Anything else I can replace but, pictures and videos can never be replaced.

  6. My son.

    All my pictures and scrapbooks.

    Sentimental / unreplaceable things like my great-grandmother's gardening hat, my grandfather's shooting match gun, my son's first little hiking boots . . . .   :  )

    My box of vitamins/supplements because they are so  @#@% expensive . . .

    My cats if they've been on good behavior . . .

    My Ipod.

  7. A 22 pistol and 2 bricks of ammo (1000 rnds) that would weigh 6 pounds and help protect and feed me,fishing line and hooks about 6 ounces,a hatchet and a good knife to build shelter with,some lighters and a few extra clothes; warm ones.The total weight should not be more than15 pounds.

  8. pictures of my girlfreind

  9. 1. money - it will be important for u to survive until ur in a safe place

    2. some food - u dont know when ur next meal would be

    3. documents - they might save u from becoming bankrupt

    4. mobile - it could help u find missing loved ones

    5. some photographs - some thing that will take you back to those good times.
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