
What would you buy on ebay?

by  |  earlier

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I want to sell somethings on ebay, but I do not know what most people would consider buying online. What would you buy? Art, Books, clothes, games? Thank you!




  1. If i had a chance to buy something from ebay it would be rare dvds, art and clothes.

    But that my option

    Hope you do well on ebay, good luck ;)

  2. me ive had lots of stuff off ebay... and sold lots to

    ..breast pump pushchair

    lots of computer games+ videos

    clothes shoes

    mobile phone

    book about down syndrome


    vintage motorcycle+ parts

    sold lots of car parts +motorcycle parts  0nly classic

  3. One man's trash, is considered, another man's treasure.

    Life is more than love and pleasure.I came to dig for treasure.

    If you want to play you gotta pay

    You know It's always been that way.

    We all came to dig for treasure.  --- Shark Puppy

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