
What would you buy this horse for(with pictures)?

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14 year old Thoroughbred gelding, 15.3 hands. Has shown in 3' equation and hunter. Usually ridden in 2'6" at shows (only because I ride in children's divisions). Has schooled up to 3'9", and done jumpers in the past. No vices, loads, clips, bathes, ties, stands for vet/ farrier. 4-H horse for the past 5 years. Great for children, can work for a beginner with a trainer or an intermediate rider. Auto changes, can go western pleasure with some training. Showmanship- sets up, pivots, backs ect. I've taken him to 5 shows this year, with only a week of riding before each one, always in the ribbons. No kick/ bite, absolutely loves people/ attention.




  1. It depends on how fast you want to sell him.  He'd sell super fast in the $5000 range (for sure less than a month - if not in a week).  Otherwise 10-15K if you want to hang out and wait for a buyer (might have to wait until spring), but it'll happen - he's worth it.  The only thing lowering his price is that he's getting up there in age.

  2. In Idaho, your horse would advertise for around $3,000.00, but realistic price someone would pay, if they wanted a hunter/jumper, would be 1800-2000; much less if not registered. You would have to advertise in trade magazines or websites specifically for this type of training levels.

  3. Well his heels look a little low to the ground so that might make his feet sore. He looks like he has nice straight legs. Nice neck, shoulders, and build. His tail is a little skimpy but that's ok. His mane needs to be pulled but that's also ok. Cute face. I think you should have a prepurchase exam, just to be on the safe side. (they help in the long run) I would buy him. See if you can lease him for a week or 2 to see if hes really what you want. Always offer lower-they might ecept!

  4. about 7000

  5. He is absolutely beautiful.  I do not know how much I would offer to pay though, I would have to see a price on him first and then go from there.  I would consult fellow riders and owners and see what they would suggest.

  6. I would say about 40-60 thousand dollars. He looks like a good jumper. He's really pretty but it all depends on how experienced he is and his health etc.

    Well good luck on selling/buying.


  7. You have such a beautiful horse! Wow! I can't get over that:)! I would easily pay $12,000!!!!! Don't sell him though!

  8. I would buy him if he did barrel racing =]

  9. i say he could go for 15,000

  10. He's beautiful and sounds amazing!

    I'd pay $10k for him easy!

  11. I would sell him for about 10,000 easy. he is a great horse. i would pay a lot for him. good luck

  12. Sounds like a sweetheart! :)

    maybe 7-8 grand max.

  13. usually you would pay between 5 and 8 k.s  

  14. 10,000 if he is really all you say he is

  15. It really depends on where you live. The horse market sucks right now, by the way, but it might pick up a bit in the near future (hopefully. . . . .) Because of his age, I'd think that he was experienced enough for a beginner. I think I'd pay 10-15k for him. He is adorable though! =] Good luck!

  16. I live in a pretty big horse town, but it's more western. Still, you'd get an easy 12-15k for him where I live.

  17. Honestly? He looks like a school-master horse, as far as what you have described him as. Without sitting on him and riding him personally, I wouldn't pay more than $8k USD for him. He looks like a good school-master horse that I would trust a young, inexperienced rider to sit on.

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