
What would you call a chocolate shop?

by Guest56212  |  earlier

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What would you call a chocolate shop?




  1. ZITS-R-US.

  2. I agree with the first answer, but it has probably been used far to many times, I would go with somthing that would make the name stand out and therefore the shop. How about "Plaisirs coupables" It mean Guilty pleasures in French.

  3. choc-a-block.

  4. 'Chocoholics Anonymous Company'

  5. i think choco'licous shop

  6. chocolate dreams

  7. It's sometimes good to have people ask you the reasoning behind a name, and for real chocolate fans,a name they would understand - Amenolado.

    Amenolado are among the finest of cocoa beans harvested in the world, and as such are the key ingredient in much of the worlds finest chocolate.

  8. Sin City

  9. There is one in my town that is called Chocolate Cafe.

    Maybe guilty pleasures?

  10. MAbey sice your name is sally mabey sally's chocolate shop or something like that

  11. Melting moments

  12. Chocolate Delights

  13. a chocolatier

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