
What would you call our monarchy era?

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During Elizabeth I's reign we were Elizabethans, during King Henry VI's reign we were Tudors... what would we be called now and what would we be called when William comes to the throne?




  1. Vacant I think. Or engaged, depending if the throne is out of order.

  2. "America's Shadow"

  3. We are the Windsors, thats their surname.

  4. why do ppl always seem to forget charlie is next in line for the throne not willy

  5. we are the windsors now and will continue to be when william comes to the throne as he is continueing the line

    well...thinking about it a bit more, up to know it has been known as the windsor period but i think only time will tell about how the reign of william may be known as in the future...if he has a long and eventful reign it may be known as a new era in the monarchy from that of  the 'windsor' period but not sure what it would be.

    he will still be a windsor.

  6. Windsorians

  7. Dysfunctional

  8. We could be Elizabethans (like Victorians) but probably people of the Windsor period (like Tudors, Stewart's etc.) to include the short reigns of other post WWI monarchs.

    The name could be something completely different, ultimately we will be called what ever the future people of our country want call us by, depending on the length of the current Queens reign and the changes and major events that occur in that time.

  9. Hopefully, the last.

  10. Elizabethan.

  11. In 1960 the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh informed the Privy Council that they and there children and grand children will be known as the Mountbatten-Windsor's or the House of Windsor

  12. Elizabeth 1st was a true and loyal Queen  and she was one of the Tudors


    (Henry V11, Henry V111, Edward V1, Mary I, and Elizabeth 1)

    It started in 1485 when Henry V11 took thrown of England from Richard 111 at ' The Battle Bosworth Field ' and the Tudor family held it until Elizabeth 1 she died in 1603.

  13. It's the House of Windsor (Windsorian?) now, but William took the name Wales when he joined the army, so maybe it'll be the House of Wales and we'll all end up being Welsh come future historians.

  14. German with a hint of Greek.

  15. Now we would be called MUGGED BY THE GOVERNMENT.

    In Williams time i hope we would be called A HECK OF A LOT WISER

  16. The Regina Era....

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