
What would you call someone if you werent sure if they were south asian or South West asian?

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A couple years ago in class, my social studies teacher told us the political correct word for someone of Chinese, Japanese, thai, Vietnamese ect. was Asian, since it can be considered offensive to be called the wrong nationality, especially if the countries arent getting along. since politically South Asians are Asian, and south West asians are considered caucasian. but it would be easier to mix someone who is south asian for being western asian, than being eastern asian.




  1. is easy to call everybody that you don't know excuse me.

    always work and nobody get offended

  2. Is it really that important that no one be offended?  WTF has happened to Freedom?  Why do you feel the need to self censor so as not to offend?  Grow some stones!

  3. I usuallu just raise my arm high and say "TAXI!"

  4. you either have to ask them where they are from first so you will know which to call them or if you dont have the guts to ask first then just call them sir or ma'am until you can figure it out.

  5. "Foreigners."

  6. Political Correctness is never a good idea. Nobody has the right not to be offended.

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