
What would you change about the fsoter care system?

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What would you change about the fsoter care system?




  1. Two things really:

    1)  The misconceptions and prejudices that many have against Foster Parents.  Those who automatically assume that we are all in it for the money or that we are all bad people just looking to harm children.  Thats certainly not the view of the majority but it is for too many people as far as I'm concerned; and

    2)  Everyone within the system states that they are working in the best interest of the children but it's my view that everyones interests are served EXCEPT the children.  The child's case worker, who is supposed to be representing the child, is also trying to balance the interests of the parents and others in the process but nobody strictly represents the kids.  The same worker who claims to be representing the child is the same one who tells him/her that they MUST go on visits that the child has stated they don't want to go on, they MUST change foster homes when both the child and the foster parent(s) have stated that they don't want the child to change....  All too often it's the kids themselves who get forgotten, disregarded and/or overlooked in the process.

  2. I am from Canada, Ontario.

    I would change the way in which they choose social workers. Our childrens' foster worker did not know how to relate to children at all. She often seemed uncomfortable around them.

    We actually made numerous complaints about the things that she said to the children in front of us, but apparently she is still working for Ottawa CAS

  3. 1) More Caseworkers are needed to monitor families better. All of the workers I know are over worked and have a very large case load.

    2) Screen Foster parents better. Many are just in it for the money and don't give a d**n about the kids.

    3) Every attempt must be made to keep families together. But the Caseworkers also must know when they have done all they can...Kinda a double edged sward...but it goes back to needing more Caseworkers.

    4) Every child in Foster care should have someone besides the Caseworker looking out for them whether it is a CASA worker, guardian ad lit-em or someone appointed by the Court to look out for what is best for the child.

  4. For abusive bio parents not to be given every chance in the world.

    If you abuse your children or let them live in filth while you party then you should not receive chance after chance again.

    This is why we did not adopt from foster care. I know I am not able to deal with a child who has been abused repeatedly throughout their lives all because their parent kept on getting another chance.

  5. Remove the financial benefit to the state for successful adoptions.  In our son's case, the caseworker tried to stop the private adoption that the original family chose to do because she said our son was a "hot commodity" since he was a caucasian infant.  Children should not be considered commodities and no one should financially benefit from an adoption, including the state.

  6. From my experience as a foster parent and an advocate who worked closely with them to help them retain & recruit more's what jumps into my mind:

    Find a way to break the logjam many states have on the approval process (in Alabama, it takes 6-18 months for fingerprints to get back...that's way too long)

    More social workers

    Find a way to increase the board payments (not too much - no encouragement for people to "do it for the money", but it makes me ill to know that more is paid to a kennel to board a dog than to a foster family to provide love and nurture to a child.)

    Better recruitment so that more families are available to provide care.

    Dispelling the myths of adopting and fostering.  There are many misconceptions out there and misinformation abounds.

    More state and faith-based-organization partnerships to increase recruitment and retention and improve quality of care for the kids.

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