
What would you change about yourself if you could?

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I would choose to be able to sing.




  1. I'd probably also want to have a wonderful singing voice.

    More practically, though, I'd like to have good health.

    And appearance-wise I'd like to be just a tad shorter...say 4 inches. That way I could wear my favourite heels and not tower over everyone I know!

    Seems like there's a fair bit I'd like to change!

  2. I wish i was more confident and happy in my own skin, i always feel that i'm not as pretty as other girls x

  3. My place of residence

  4. younger.

  5. My inability to let things

    No Stormy this is directed purely at myself :)

  6. To be more confident

  7. When I was a kid, I wanted to dance like Fred Astaire.

  8. My looks.If i was better looking i would have had a better life than the one i have now.Pretty people get all the luck and opportunities.

  9. i would make it so that i was never born .. be easier on my mind


  11. Yes, I would love to be able to sing.

  12. I wish my legs were two inches longer. It would be easier to buy pants.

  13. i am the laziest person in the universe but i wouldnt change that for the world i love having my gf run around doing everything for me, i would change my ability to act like a complete t**t when im pissed

  14. I would love to be musical.Ironically all three of my children play several instruments really well yet their father and myself play nada.Bummer.

  15. Not a single thing. I have lived a long and happy life, fathered 3 lovely children, never been rich but always had enough. I would not swap my life for anyone on earth,living or dead.

  16. my appetite so i wouldnt eat like its going out of fashion

  17. Everything!!

  18. I would like a better memory so I could remember where the fook I have left my phone this time.........

  19. I want to be more confident around people! I'm so shy it's embarrassing.

  20. Nothing...I like me. Is that bad?

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