
What would you change in history?

by Guest58443  |  earlier

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if you could go back in time and change ONE thing in any decade or point in time what would it be?




  1. I would've saved the Great Library from its destruction, or at least saved the books.

  2. Prevent the 1st fire that destroyed the Library at Alexandria, and/or convince them to store back up copies somewhere safe.

  3. simple. I would have changed the the neolithic revolution from happening. If we would have stayed in a hunter gather society, we would have never had time to become agricultural. If we weren't agricultural we wouldn't have had the extra time to appoint a head of the agricultural society which eventually led to social hierarchy. We wouldn't have had to question our existence which led to religion because we'd solely be worring about hunting and gathering food. Basicly we'd be going on with our lives with the worst thing happening to us being an occasional fight to determine which way the group should go to look for food

  4. Tell Hitler's mom to get an abortion

  5. If I was in Colonel Scott's shoes in 1838, and I was ordered to move the Cherokee to Oklahoma, I would have gotten them in, given them adequate housing and food, and put them on steamers and taken them down the Tennessee to the Ohio, down the Ohio to the Mississippi, down the Mississippi to the Arkansas, and up the Arkansas as far as we could go, then switch to horses or oxen and wagons.

    And if I had to wait until Spring, so be it. My people would have to be with these folks for some time, and while food and shelter would be an expense, decent treatment doesn't cost a soldier a nickel, and it will make the trip a little easier on everyone.

  6. I would have to eliminate the serpent from the Garden of Eden.  Wow, imagine what heaven on Earth would be like.  Too Big to take in, huh?

  7. i dont think you should change anything

    one guy said to tell hitler's mum to get an abortion. say that did happen, and hitler wasnt born. therefore WWII wouldnt have happened and lots of people wouldnt have died. but hitler might have been your ancestor. or - because he was some sort of military officer in WW 1 - he might have saved your ancestro in ww1, but now he doesnt exist, and your ancestor gets killed and you dont exist either!

    changing the past has too many unknown consequences, and our world - which we know about - is difficutl enough as it is.

  8. stop the development of the nuclear missile

  9. 9/11

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