
What would you change in your life? ?

by  |  earlier

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That would make you stand out from everyone else.




  1. Superpowers... preferably healing. :) You?

  2. I would want more self control

  3. my job.

  4. I would change all these deaths happening in my family. Sadly, my cousin died this morning and this isn't the first time I had a cousin die.

  5. i would want to be taller..i'm 5'0 and fourteen

  6. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ mansions, running the city is nice..

  7. more will power

  8. to be satisfied with any thing that happens to you and with any thing you have.

    i personally tried this and my life became so much better after i did.

    i searched in all religions i know and i read about them then i picked the most one suited me (without looking or listening to any ads on TV or the net) i just asked ppl that know in each relegion to avoid wrong information and then i knew that what God wrote for us is going to happen and for sure it is the best for us even if it seemed not.

    try it dear friend and you'l see... everyone is calling me " smily" now.


    by the way.. i picked islam to be my religion.. good luck dear friend.

  9. change my conphidence and speak up and be herd

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