
What would you charge your landlord for cleaning a vacant apt???

by Guest65156  |  earlier

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there was **** on the walls five different bugs maggots even in the bedroom **** and bloody stain pants rotton ood cupbaords full of junk toilet clugged full to the top of ****..they left everything behind its 5 truck loads and 20 industrial garbage bags I am 54 and almost 200 lbs I can climb in these bags and have room was the most disgusting thing ever seen by anyone who saw it please help I need to kno what to ask my landlord for payment I have worked 10 hrs and will do 10 today thnaks sry if I made anyone quessy lol




  1. Since it's a massive bio-hazard, I'd charge $500 or tell him to call professional cleaners. That's disgusting.

  2. I would charge $240.00.  20 hours @ $12.00 an hour.

    Try for $300.00 because of the filth!!!!

  3. I hope you took pictures of that mess because its the only way you are going to get compensation from your landlord by taking him to small claims court if he doesn't respond to your letter and pictures about the situation.

    But personally nobody walks into a sty like that and doesn't demand the landlord clean it up or you will report them to the health department.

  4. 500 bucks MINIMALLY!!! YUCK!!!

  5. oh my god. that sounds disgusting!!! couldn't you find anywhere else to live?? =/ that's pretty bad. well you should first take pictures of all the filth (evidence) hire someone out of your own pocket to DEEP CLEAN the place and then start harrassing your landlord (keep all receipts) for the total amount you spent on cleaning. he can deduct it from your rent or reimburse you for it (same thing in the end). it is inhumane for him to expect you to live in such conditions (by the way, i hope your rent is REALLY cheap. it better be. lol)

    you can definately use the fact that it's unhygenic, inhumane and against any ethical treatment to try to deny payment for cleaning services. if he continues to refuse: A) move out, why would you want such a crappy landlord anyway !?

    B) start calling up local radio stations and see if you can tell your story on air, this will help you gain the support of other and maybe even help you find a lawyer willing to take this to court pro-bono (free)

    C)put on some gloves, equip yourself with clorox and raid bug killer and tackle that mess yourself because it's cheaper and then you don't have to go through all this.

    i wish you the best of luck !

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