
What would you class yourself in today's society. Rich class, middle class or lower class's?

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What category do you reckon is your lifestyle?

Ellie class

Upper class

Middle class

Lower class




  1. bum on the street here

  2. Upper working class.

  3. low. I have to pay for everything and get no perks or freebies, like politicians.

  4. You didn't include, "working class," but I'd say I fit into that one.   Supposedly, the line separating the  formerly "Upper class" and "middle class"  in America has blurred, and many of the upper class are now in the middle.   Something about the economy.....

  5. middle class.!!

  6. we were upper class at one point but then my family hit hard times and now i think we're lower class. even though we can't sustain the lifestyle we once had we haven't changed ourselves.

  7. Upper middle class, I guess. Or maybe just middle class. I'm not rich or anything but I'm definately not broke.


  8. I don't think it's right to class people into groups but If I had to class my family as I'm only 16 and still live at home I would class myself and family as Middle Class because we have a car loan and are paying off the Mortgage fairly quickly. We pay off the bills easily even if it's a bad - expensive month and have enough money left over at the end of the month to spend on a good amount of food and general living expensives and things we like.


  9. Middle to Upper, somewhere in between

  10. Permanently in debt to the taxman class.

  11. middle/lower class

  12. I'm in a class of my own, just like every other person on this planet!

  13. I think class means too much in today's society, always has, really.  I believe I am in the middle class but just barely hanging onto that status...with the price of gas and all.  :)

  14. kinda depends what you mean. where i live? lower class. income though, i'd say middle class

  15. 'ellie' class? where did that come from? I guess I would class myself middle class - though 'class' means very little in today's society.

  16. Middle class

    with the potental for Upper...... come-on big lottery win!

  17. I'm in the same class as you Romeo.

    I don't think of class nowadays - hopefully we have all risen above it and realise that no one is more elite than anyone else.

  18. Im 14, and I am born and raised in Vancouver BC. My dad is self-employed and works with real-estate and housing, and has been in the business for about 10 years, I would consider ourselves upper class more specifically (upper middle class), we live in a wealthy area, in a nice big house and we have 2 cars, and for the most part we get what we want, without financial difficulties, but I would still consider us one step away from being "rich".

    I think society should stop judging. people on class, because we will get no where like this, humans are humans, if your rich it doesn't make you any bit "superior" to someone who is poor. Be fortunate with what you have, try to make good decisions, and if you make a wrong one, learn from it and get your life on track.

    Personally, I love the way my parents brought me up, because I really do not want to be "rich", I would rather settle for comfortable living, and a good family. I don't want to work 60-70 hours a week, just so my family is rich, its not worth it.

  19. Upper Middle Class.

    My parent's work 7 days a week 10 hours every day (dad works over 14 hours a day) - and have for the last 25 years to be in this social class.

  20. All class is all right"God" decied our class .We are all satisfied with that class, only there is peace.

  21. I think social stratification is helpful within a sociological framework - We don't have to believe the accompanying myths but it helps to know how many people are controlling the wealth of the nation etc and where inequalities lie.

    I am well educated and retired without a pension - have always had a mental health problem - my family of origin were petty crooks and fences - I think I am still lower class.

  22. My income is that of lower class but by good fortune and a finesse with finances I am able to buy the things that I want with in reason without going into debt.

  23. im only 14. but my family is middle-upper class.

    we live in a 4 bed 3 bath detached house in london so i would say thats average.

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