
What would you classify as unattractive?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17, and very very confused about my weight and body image. I used to suffer with eating disorders, and since i've put on weight. Now I'm at an even worse place than i was when i was suffering.

I was just wondering what would others class as unattractive?

What makes someone unattractive? Body wise not personality or things like that?




  1. Someone who looks unhealthy, like they don't take care of themselves, whether they are unhealthily thin or fat, or have a normal weight but just look unhealthy or unkempt because they don't take good care of themselves.

    I also find someone who have a natural confidence automatically much more attractive, regardless of their looks. Usually it all ties in together; someone who is confident usually is happy with themselves and takes good care of themselves - for me that makes someone attractive. That person could still be too fat or skinny, or have unattractive features, but the fact that they feel good about themselves just smooths all of that out, and in my opinion confidence alone can make an otherwise ugly person pretty attractive.

  2. I think abnormally skinny 110- or obease 300+. But, I think a person can still be attractive, even with those qualities, espically since you have had a history with an eating disorder.

  3. different people like different things about people. love your body the way it is.

  4. People who ask questions like this one turn me off usually. I have been hot for some pretty ugly women before. It was usually because they didn't know or even question if they were ugly. Confidence is key. Also I can spot a shallow "do-nothing" a mile away. If you really want a nice shape you get it from "doing stuff". Joggers have great bodies. Swimmers are my favorites. Nothing turns me on about a starved skinny chic..

  5. Mmm... super skinny people!!!

    That does not look pretty on a 17 year old girl!! =/

  6. A terrible personality makes anyone, no matter what they look like, ugly to me.

    I've seen someone not model beautiful that shined to me because they were so wonderful.

  7. skinny young beautiful people with brest implants and think there better then anyone else. and no u are not unattractive. it doesnt matter how u look it matters about the person inside.

  8. I really try not to judge on looks. But, I don't like someone with a bad attitude. Maybe someone with a unibrow if we had to judge on looks. :)

  9. Someone can look at something and see something completely different than the other person.

    Confidence is beauty. You don't have to be 70 pounds to be beautiful. You can be any body shape or size, and as long as you have self-esteem (but not too much) then people should look up to you.

  10. its personality that makes people attractive chill out.

    anyway eating disorders arent about weight and body image its about you thinking your life sucks and you cant control anything except what you put in your mouth. if thats taken away from you too so you cant "control" that either then you start to feel powerless, thats why your struggling. you gave up your "best friend" (and "worst enemy" too at the same time, geez they suck. oh well)

  11. THIS :

  12. It's different for everyone. As I always say, "Beauty is an illusion created by self-absorbed humans."  

  13. Hmm, i suffer from bdd and my body image is well il say low.

    I used to be overweight and now after loosing the weight i still cnt see the change. I droped 3 dress sizes but i still see myself as the un cowardenated fat teenager i was 5 years ago.

    Thing is, u gotta learn that ther is sooooo many different levels of attractiveness. of couse thers always going to be sumone out ther who looks better. But they will suffer the same, ther will be sumone else who looks better then them.

    I have learnt that how ever bad i think i look i cnt let it stop me from living my life.

    Ive spent too long looking into a mirror looking at what needed changing.

    Dnt do the same

    Hope maybe my rambling helpd a little


  14. i have this friend who is short, over weight, her hair is really messy and sometimes she smells, but there are a lot of really hot guys who like her cuz she is incredible, she is down to earth and she is totally awesome

    like this really awesome guy asked her out today and she turned him down because she is just not interested. she doesn't doubt herself and she's not insecure and everyone knows that and lover her for it... so i don't  

    know what unattractive is... i guess if you are a good person inside and you are confident enough to let people see it, well i guess that makes you hot  

  15. super-skinny people; its unhealthy and ugly.  

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