
What would you consider SPOILED?

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What would you consider a spoiled 14 year old? Like they expect a lot, they don't appreciate, what? Be totally honest- I want to know.




  1. If the gift is something that you wanted, then you are spoiled.. If it is just something that you truly deserve, then you're not as spoiled, but still a little. But if you get gifts as rewards, I think you are spoiled.

    You are not spoiled if you work hard to earn money, and not from chores around the house.

  2. Spoiled or overindulged to the point where they are miserable little sh...s.  Spoiled rotten like someone I know that threws a temper tantrum if someone dares utter the words, no. Better run for the hills. It won't be pretty.

    Spoiled - no sacrifice, doesn't have to work for anything, just take, take, no concept of what anything costs or the sacrifice others make, doesn't appreciate, incapable of empathy, just me-me-me-me-me

    It's the spoiled rottens that I have a problem with because they are frustrating and I just want to wring their necks and that's not a normal reaction for me. Smug monsters. I have to walk away and not speak to them. I refuse to have to cater to someone that doesn't work or do anything. I don't work hard and didn't work hard most of my life to have to put up with that from a young little nobody that even treats her friends like dirt. It's probably why she doesn't have many. Who would hang around someone that acts like she's better than you? She will learn I hope.

  3. Spoiled is when you try to manipulate people who love you into giving you more than they want to give you. /

  4. They get everything they ask for, they don't help around the house (either required or voluntary), they've never had to lift a finger to earn their own way, the parents cater to them in regards to what the family does. They look down on others who aren't as fortunate as they are.

    They aren't appreciative of what they have, never remember to say "thank you" or "please".

    Their parents  give money just because and haven't earned it.

    They get upset and think they're being mistreated if they don't have the latest cell phone, ipod, you name it.

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