
What would you consider a bad car accident?

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  1. a ford truck getting hit in the rear from a chevy

  2. one which the car was written off

    someone died or was seriously injured

  3. If someone is injured and your car is totaled it's a bad accident.

  4. say bye dad ,,,oh hey im coming to ya mother

  5. Uhhhh, one where your car is totaled and there are massive injuries.

  6. any that you wouldn't be able to ask or answer this question after.

  7. involving death!

  8. Death, pain, destruction, financial loss.

  9. See the case of Katie Flynn. __X

  10. either a death or your car is totaled.  I was in a car accident recently.  I got injured and my car is bye bye.  I at one time thought that I would have rather died!  It would have been so much easier for me to have died, then put up with what I've gone through.  It wasn't even my fault!

  11. all the cars on a bridge crash collapsing the bridge and every ones arms need to be amputated to get the body out for burial

    yay every body die

  12. Final Destination!

  13. I would consider any crash where anyone was hurt, or my insurance rates were to increase. My insurance was increased when I allowed a friend to use my vehicle for a road test and she accelerated, went over a curb and hit a tree, causing $8,000 damages to my vehicle......Now I'm paying........and learning [grin]......

  14. death

  15. like if your disfigured or died.

  16. The one I saw Sunday where you could hear the girl screaming for 45 minutes while they tried to cut her out of the car.

  17. Any car accident!

  18. Any accident that totals my righteous car!!

  19. Multiple deaths, including yourself. Maybe even some pets involved, but thats just jacked. Not only your car totaled, but disintegrated. that would be INTENSE!

  20. Hard to say because you can be in a very bad accident and have close to zero injuries (just look at Nascar) I'm going to say severe body damage to the car(s).

  21. One that drastically changes a person's life. i.e. puts someone in a wheelchair, causes death, causes permenant loss of the use of a limb, etc.

  22. if you get your car totalled and someone got hurt very badly?

  23. I think it is determines by the damage to the vehicle, and the damage to the people involved. If the car is totaled or people are seriously hurt, then i would consider it a bad accident.

  24. Totaled car, and injuries to keep you in the hospital for over 3 days . (:

  25. one that results in death or serious injury, or one that completely totals both cars.

  26. if the car is damaged beyond repair

  27. Anything is bad but of course a totaled car or person would for sure be considered bad.

  28. One in which someone died, duh!

  29. I think any car accident that severely damages the car or a passenger is bad.

  30. bad car accident is when someone gets really hurt...or your car has bad damage

  31. Here is a very bad one with details.

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