
What would you consider a proper wrestling fan...?

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Seriously, I just read a question asking "Jeff Hardy or Dynamite Kid". The majority of users responded "Jeff Hardy".

WOW! It amazes me how some people come out and say that Jeff Hardy is better than Dynamite Kid, and it shows NONE of them are wrestling fans. If you're a Jeff Hardy fan, cool, but do your research on wrestling because outside of the WWE and TNA, there are older wrestlers and other promotions that might not have "HAWT" OR "COOL" looking wrestlers, but some d**n good ones.

So what do you consider a wrestling fan?

BQ: Also, with Orton's "accident" being looked at as Kayfabe, can you see him returning at SummerSlam?




  1. Technically, there's no such thing as a "proper" wrestling fan.

    All fans of wrestling like it for different reason. Though I do agree with you about the Jeff Hardy vs. Dynamite Kid question, I think that the idea of a "true" or "proper" wrestling fan doesn't exist, just like there's no such thing as a "true" or "proper" fan of anything else. People all have their reasons for watching wrestling, even if they are more on the superficial side than anything.

    One user may like the technical matches, while another user doesn't care for them and wants hardcore spots. I do understand what you're saying, as the users who answered "Jeff Hardy" mostly have never seen the Dynamite Kid wrestle matches at all. They are in the present, and they think everyone of the present time (or on their favorites list) is better than any other wrestler(s).

    BQ: Personally, I think it's real. WWE probably placed it on their site so fans don't think Orton's returning at SummerSlam.


  2. A "proper wrestling fan", as you say, is a person who has more than basic knowledge in wrestling. A casual fan is considered a fan who mainly watches on promotion and may have more or less knowledge on the insights of wrestling. Other than that, a "proper wrestling fan" has more knowledge towards different promotions and talent and more well rounded in the wrestling business. Both proper and casual fans can look into wrestling for a wrestlers true wrestling ability and skill, but the proper fan is more likely to know more about it.

    The Orton accident is tricky to me. As much as I want to see him returning, I doubt Orton returning.

    Anyone is free to disagree or agree with me about both answers I posted. Thumbs up or thumbs down, it doesn't matter.

  3. thats sad.....thats sad. At least if they didn't know who Dynamite kid was, they shouldn't have answered. Proper wrestling fans have more respect.

  4. There is no suck thing as a proper wrestling fan.

    If you enjoy watching wrestling and have interest in it you are a wrestling. IT dosent matter who you likw. For example people say if you like cena you are not a proper cena fan. Thats not true. Everyone who watches wwe is a fan!

    There is no such thing as ' proper' wrestling fan!

  5. I would consider a proper wrestling fan to know the legends of the ring from the AWA, NWA, NJPW, AJPW, WWWF and WCCW. I would expect them to know what wrestling is and not the sports entertainment type that WWE shows. I would expect them to know the dads and relatives of present WWE superstars and to know what goes on backstage at WWE shows

    WQ - He WILL be at the Slam!

  6. I'll be honest, the Dynamite Kid was a good wrestler but in all honesty, most of the people on Y/A are younger and wouldn't know who he is. Also, Jeff Hardy is known for his high flying, risky moves and that's what makes him exciting. I honestly would've chose Jeff Hardy as the answer, too. Depends though.. did the question say "who's a better wrestler or entertainer?" or just "Jeff Hardy or Dynamite Kid?".

    I know where you're coming from though. There are a good amount of fans that seem to only watch because they think someone is "good looking" and that's stupid. Yeah, I think Edge is very good looking (and yeah I have a crush haha) but that's not why I like him. I could give a thousand reasons why I like him.. but let's say if someone is like "Cena is my favorite because he's HOTT!!! I want to l**k his body!" now, that's NOT a proper fan.

    A proper fan can appreciate all sides of the business. They care more about a wrestler's abilities than his/her look. They care about their ability to entertain (which is why I would have chosen Jeff over Dynamite Kid, personally). I think the majority of fans are legit.. but you're always going to have people who only watch because they think someone looks good. If in time they can actually learn to like the business itself, that's great.. but if they quit watching once their crush is gone.. then yeah, NOT a legit fan.

    You don't have to know everything to be a real fan. if you enjoy it for what it is, then you're a fan. If you're only watching to see one person because you only like them, you're probably not a fan. Hope that makes sense.

    BQ: I don't think it's fake. He posted a message on his official website and I've also heard it was on the news. Earlier, I did believe it was a kayfabe injury but now I believe it's legit.. so no, I don't believe he'll be at Summerslam.

    Hmm curious why I got a thumbs down. I do believe Dynamite Kid is a better "wrestler" but Jeff Hardy keeps me more entertained than he EVER did, so that's where I was coming from. If the question asked who's the better wrestler, of course it woud be DK. Better entertainer, JH.

  7. Yup i saw that Question as well, and like you i was surprised also. Jeff Hardy better then Dynamite Kid WTF!

    Anyway i think a true/proper wrestling fan IMO would be someone, who doesn't just watch WWE, someone who watches all the shows ex TNA,ROH,AAA,etc) also someone who knows the history of wrestling and loves WRESTLING not entertainment. Thats all i can think off right now.

    BQ - I'm half and half about this, so i don't know

  8. well i am a fan just beginning to realize that suckish wrestlers should be booed een if they are face and great wrestlers like shelton benjamin, randy orton,edge, and even technical wrestlers like the dynamite kid should be cheered

  9. Haha even me, a die hard Jeff Hardy fan can say Dynamite Kid is better than Jeff Hardy - and people know how much i love Jeff Hardy. Alot of the Fans of Jeff, have only been watching him a few years, i've been watching him since 1996 - when i was 3 and first started watching Wrestling.

    Anyway, hmm well someone who knows their terminology for a start. And watching other Promotions such as; ROH, TNA ect..and they KNOW their Wrestling. They dont just watch one promotion; Whether that be TNA or WWE. You like both heels and faces. I mean its stupid to hate a heel because their a bad guy. Your a fan of the Wrestlers because of their skill and not how they look or their character.  You dont complain about what WWE gives you. You gotta remember that WWE has to cater for millions and millions of people world wide and not just one person. And also people who say 'TNA SUCKS' without ever watching it are not True Wrestling Fans.

    But most of all, aslong as you like to watch Wrestling, your a fan.

    WQ// He was said to be backstage before he got injured. But after the accident i doubt it.

  10. I agree, I consider a wrestling fan one that knows a lot about it, and knows about past wrestlers as well and not just the current rosters. Also one that watches other promotions, not just one.

    I don't see Orton returning to Summerslam.

    Edit: Oh yeahhhh..5 thumbs down keep them coming.

  11. a wrestling fan-----anyone who like wrestling for the entertainment

    and just because u think some of the wrestlers are hot and s**y,don't mean that ur not a wrestling fan. it just means u think they r hot and s**y!!!!

    i can't stand it when people come on here and tell other people that they ain't real wrestling fans cuz they have a MAJOR CRUSH on some of them.

    BQ: yeah i see randy returning this sunday at summerslam!!!!!!!!

  12. A wrestling fan is anyone who loves wrestling. End of story. It doesn't mean you're actually knowledgeable in it, so yes, even those who pick Jeff Hardy over Dynamite Kid are "true" wrestling fans. Sometimes fans just never get a chance to see good wrestlers or never got to figure out what creates good wrestling, it happens. When you were a kid and you only knew the Attitude Era and not guys like Harley Race or Ric Flair, wouldn't you still consider yourself a true wrestling fan? Of course, because you never had the chance to be exposed to the older things, many of today's wrestling fans are ignorant towards older wrestlers because they've heard of anything but what you watch currently. I see the Jeff Hardy pickers in the same light, they probably never saw Dynamite Kid in action, and probably will never get the chance too, but they're likely still very passionate about wrestling, so they're true wrestling fans.

    That being said, if you're not knowledgeable in wrestling, if you don't know what's good and only like wrestlers for their looks or their coolness, then your opinion will not be taken as seriously as those who can explain their opinions well. Everyone who loves wrestling is a true wrestling fan, but that doesn't mean that you actually know what good wrestling is all about. Like, you can love basketball, but not know a thing about what makes a good player. You can love movies, but not know what a good actor or a truly good movie is. Same thing, you can love wrestling, and not know a thing about truly good wrestling: it just means that you're not going to do well in a discussion about good wrestlers.

    Basically, anybody who loves wrestling is a true wrestling fan. However, a "proper" wrestling fan requires at least some knowledge of the product and the ability to discern or at least argue over what makes a good wrestler or wrestling match.

  13. wrestling fan= someone who regulary watches and enjoys wrestling

    they dont have too know alot about it too be a fan

  14. I wasn't born when Dynamite Kid wrestled but I would even say Dynamite Kid is better than Jeff Hardy

    I think a real wrestling fan is someone who likes wrestling for wrestling. Not because the wrestlers/divas are hot but because you actually like when the wrestlers fight. I don't think how long someone has been watching wrestling matters- as long as you know your facts and as long as you like wrestling for wrestling. A real wrestling fan is someone who tunes into any wrestling promotion just to see wrestlers wrestler. That's what I call a wrestling fan

    BA: I can Orton returning but I still have questions in my mind about his return

  15. I would have to say that true wrestling fans are someone that definitely enjoys the entertainment value that it brings, does not act like it's a real occurrence, believes that the results are all staged, believes that all wrestlers are actually friends, knows that storylines are what makes it a soap opera with simulated violence and believe that when they are "fired" or "injured", they are taking time off just to have another storyline written for them, taking vacation or resolving personal issues.    

  16. I never got to see much of Dynamite Kid due to my age, but I know for a FACT that he is better than Hardy. That is one of the best Puroresu matches I've ever seen. Both wrestlers are amazing and performed some amazing moves.

    To answer your question I don't think I can consider anyone who answered Jeff Hardy a true wrestling fan. I also don't consider people who don't know **** about promotions other than WWE and TNA serious wrestling fans. I mean yes of course they're fans, but people who watch the Indy's and stuff (like myself) are discovering new wrestlers and therefore expanding their wrestling knowledge.

    I consider a true wrestling fan one who doesn't watch wrestling for spots, charisma, promos, attractiveness of wrestlers, or any other stupid excuse. Real wrestling fans watch it for wrestling, and take into account wrestling skill above everything else.

    BQ: No, I know it looks fake but I honestly think it is legit.

  17. I agree that this younger fans don't know much history about wrestling

    But did any of us know that much history when we first started watching wrestling I didn't know about Bruno Sammartino or other great legends while I was 5 years old cheering for Hulk Hogan

    But after awhile I took time and learned about history from older wrestling fans & I wish the younger fans would take time a learn some more history they have the internet to get more information then we every could

    Because i'm so tired of fans saying Cena is the new Hogan this fans don't know what wrestling was before Hulkamania

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