
What would you consider an invasion of privacy, even if it has all the right reasons?

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for instance, a few minutes ago I was out in my yard smoking a cigarette and I heard some strange noises coming from my neighbors' house which made me draw the conclusion someone is beaten up there. I almost feel ashamed of my passivity, but there's not much I can do, can I?




  1. Are you are absolutely sure that something like that is going on (especially if it's a child being abused or a man abusing a woman)? If there was screaming, then you really should report it to the police.  Too many people let this go and then you find a child that has been beaten to death or a woman who has been severely abused throughout her relationship.  If this were going on, you would be saving a life - not invading someones privacy.

  2. Be aware, and see (hear) if it happens again.  If you think someone is indeed getting hurt - call the cops right away.  Tell them where the house is and what you think is happening.  They SHOULD come over to investigate the situation.  

    You can make sure to ask them not to use your name or even say "a neighbor" reported the incident - your privacy is protected, as a conscientious reporter.

  3. Well , if you ares ure of what you "heard" then you should tell the police , but if you aren't sure than try to find out what really happened. You might be able to help someone . So it is really up to you.

  4. I completely understand your leeriness for getting involved since you are very new to the area and also have not been in the US for very long.  I would react the same way.  It does bring to mind an incident some years back when I was living in Kansas.  I was on my back deck in the summertime, when I heard, from the next street over, a horrendous battle going on...verbal abuse and yelling and throwing things etc...since I was home alone and became quite afraid, I stuck my head in the sand.  But I didn't ignore it, either...I began to pray with great vigor for that whole situation to calm down.  It wasn't long before I didn't hear anymore noise.  I like to think God heard me over the noise....I think He did   :)

  5. That's a hard question to answer. You have to ask yourself which is worse. Being labeled as a nosy neighbor if your wrong, and its nothing. Or living with yourself and not doing anything if your right.

  6. If you think somebody might have been beaten, you should have called the police and told them. They would handle the situation without you having to become too personally involved. Victims of abuse are often too fearful to call the police or to defend themselves, and can end up being killed without the intervention of the police. Being from a family of champion wrestlers, I can understand how someone might think that there was abuse going on when my brother and I went at it -but I'd rather be having to explain that to the police than having someone be truly scarred by inaction. In a situation like this it's not an invasion of privacy -you didn't hear this because you were peeking into their window, it was loud enough to be heard in your yard. You should feel ashamed of not doing anything -there's a possibility that if you don't act in a situation like this you might find out too late that your conclusion was correct.    

  7. Yes you can do something, if you feel that some one is getting hurt, you can and should call the police. It is not and invasion of privacy if you can hear and/or see from your yard.  

  8. Your responsibility in that moment is to call the authorities and report something possibly very wrong happening in that house.  As a neighbor, as a fellow human being, you should not just stand by and watch it happen (or listen to it happen).  It is not an invasion of privacy - it is a matter of being part of the human race.  

    If you question this point of view, look at it this way.  Picture yourself being beaten up out of eyeshot of anyone.  Wouldn't you hope and pray someone would hear what was happening and call for help?

  9. You can call the police. It's a very easy thing to do. It would be considered invasion of privacy if you took a peak into your neighbours yard or something like that.

  10. I would require some certainty before I would act, a small invasion of privacy is always acceptable when a persons life might be in danger

  11. If you can hear it from an adjoining yard, then there really is not expectation of privacy. I'm not a legal guy, but I believe that expectation of privacy works the other way around (e.g. someone purposefully intruding on your space).  

    Call the cops if you're still feeling wonky about it. Let them investigate.  

  12. There is no invasion of any kind under those circumstances. Call 911 next time, and tell them you hear noises next door, and think someone is either being beaten up, or maybe there's a robbery in process. Give them the address,etc., and follow any instructions they give you.

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