
What would you consider as a normal/average life?

by  |  earlier

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Like, a run through from childhood, adolescence, teenagehood, adult years, middle age years, and then senior years.

And would you consider your life to be normal or average?




  1. abnormal

    mostly dysfunctional throughout childhood/adolescence and teenagehood, adult years are a struggle.

  2. There is no such thing as a normal life in that context... it's waaaaay too specific..

    The only way to judge if something is normal or not really is to look at a general category...but even that is false.

    Just judging by "the majority wins all" is foolish and stupid.

  3. normal....

    all stages of my life i know i enjoy it and have a good relationship with others, especially with my family

  4. I am not sure what "normal" is.  In some ways I am probably pretty ordinary.  In other ways I like to think of myself as pretty exceptional.  There aren't many people whom I could say are like me in all respects.  Some people when they look at me might conclude that there was nothing there, other people (more imaginative or insightful IMHO) might disagree.  

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