
What would you consider molesting??

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What sort of actions would you call molesting?

and would being pushed to the floor and having the guy sit on your chest cause he knows it hurts and holding down your hands be considered molesting, if its a guy who likes you in a sexual way and does it in a sorta sexual way??




  1. only if you said no

  2. anything that didn't feel right to you or something sexual, weather it be minor or major and you said no then that's molestation. Anything that you object to but someone violates you anyway is rape or molestation. go tell the police, your parents, your friend, anyone. the longer you wait the less action you will get from someone.  

  3. Molesting, rape, etc., is anything sexually physical or abusive that is against a woman's will!

  4. it doesn't matter the intentions, only if he did something sexual when you objected

  5. NO THAT IS NOT MOLESTING. It is obvious you do not know the meaning of molesting or molestation. Under the meaning Main Entry: mo·lest  

    Pronunciation: \mə-ˈlest\

    Function: transitive verb

    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French molester, from Latin molestare, from molestus burdensome, annoying; akin to Latin moles mass

    Date: 14th century

    1: to annoy, disturb, or persecute especially with hostile intent or injurious effect

    2: to make annoying sexual advances to; especially : to force physical and usually sexual contact on

    — mo·les·ta·tion  \ˌmō-ˌles-ˈtā-shən, ˌmä-, -ləs-\ noun

    — mo·lest·er  \mə-ˈles-tər\ noun

    It is obvious in your own words the guy sitted on your chest, anybody can sit on your chest, and it hurts, during my own childhood days my cousins sometimes do that because we are playing around the house, and we hit one another, but now adays molesting is always connotes sexual intent, here there is no sexual intention so therefore it is not molestation.

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