
What would you consider "rich" to be?

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What would you consider "rich" to be?




  1. 4 dollars in your pocket

  2. 2 nice cars for one person..

  3. Someone who is able to go through life without worrying about a budget.

  4. having a family you know loves you and you love back.

  5. i would consider rich being that you have a large/very nice house, 2 nice cars ( mercedes, jaguar, porsche ) you have more than $1,000,000+  as extra cash.

  6. hello - i consider rich being able to put food on the table, money into retirement, a roof over my head, pay the bills without issue, and have something left over for "fun".

  7. Does it really matter.

    People shouldn't be judged by how much money they have or where they live.

    My parents were "rich" when I was growing up.

    No I'm married, my Husband earns alto of money but we pay $1300 a month in child support.  So we' certainly not "rich"

    But I don't care.  I have a gorgeous Husband, he's a great father.  A little boy with Cystic Fibrosis and a little girl who is a wild child! haha.

    That makes me feel rich, but not financially!

  8. Being able to afford what you need, and being able to enjoy life as is.

    Therefore- wealthy people are not necessarily rich, and rich people are not necessarily wealthy.

  9. *Anyone who bought an SUV and could afford to drive it.  I've held this opinion for many years (even before gas prices increased). They're either rich or are clueless on how to live within their means.

    *Anyone who can afford to spend $300.00 on a radio or phone (iPod or iPhone) that can easily be stolen, lost or broken.

    *Anyone who spends more then $300.00 on a TV.


  11. Being able to do what you want.  It's not about money.

    If it was only about the money, you would NEVER!!!!!!!!!! be rich enough.

    I have enough money each month to pay all my bills in full, enough to save for my kids education, our retirement and save for things we may want later.

    We don't over spend and watch every dollar.  We have money in the bank and could "afford" much more.  We drive older cars because they run great.  We live in a older smaller home with a payment that is very comfortable.

    We take vacations 3-4 times a year.

    And we don't live by anyone else ideas as to what is the "in thing"

    Learn to appreciate what you have now.  Life is what happens when you are dreaming about tomorrow.

  12. someone who never has to look at a price tag when theyre buying anything. from a house, a car, to shoes and clothes.

  13. if you have your health and have a family.

  14. a family that loves you unconditionally and is ur support group when ur down and in need. that will always be there (especially when you "F" up). that's what i call "rich"

  15. a millionaire

  16. when you're able to afford the finer things in life.

    knowing God loves you and he's providing for you!

  17. to hav tons of money and live in a big mansion

  18. $500,000+

  19. enough money to be well beyond the point of financial worries, three story house with a lot of cool stuff, several nice cars no more than 2 yrs old, more than one dining area

  20. When you can afford the stuff normal people can't

  21. People who buy more things than they need to survive

  22. Rich is when you can afford to pay bills and do leisure activities (no matter what) without stress

  23. 2 million plus

  24. When you're truly happy. You have the best friends who don't use you or talk behind your back. You have a great family and work life. You wake up every morning and you smile because you just love your life and everyone in it.

    Also, it doesn't hurt to have enough money to do everything you've wanted to do. Whatever it is that you wanna do, if you have enough money for it, I think it's awesome. If you have more than you need, I'd have to include the giving of money to the needy and actually seeing it work wonders for people. That would be "rich" to me.

  25. When you don't have to think twice about a penny you spend.

  26. The definition of rich in the Oxford American Dictionary is "having a great deal of money or wealth." But then, how much is a great deal?

    But it can be aslo reffered to as being happy... which sounds ao much nicer than having a load full of money, having enough money to get through life with pleasures not being dirt poor and being happy sound amazing to me!!

  27. Someone who doesn't have to constantly worry about going over budget.  They have plenty of spending money that they can blow on useless c**p.  The epitome of rich: Donald Trump.

  28. big house

    mint  job

    mint car

    lovely family ..

    amazin garden ..

    £1,000,000 in ya pocket haha

    that sounds kinda rich would like it ...x

  29. probably a yearly income of $250,000 would be definitely well-off if not rich. however, i think anything about $400,000 yearly is definitely rich.

  30. HUGE house, lives on water, nice car, nice everything

    plz answer>>

  31. Whoa!  Big question, with many answers.

    To me, having my kids around me and healthy, and money left at the end of the month (instead of month at the end of the money) makes me rich.

    Still, it would be nice to have a nest egg....

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