
What would you consider to be the best country ??in the united kingdom?

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scotland england n. ireland or wales???




  1. hey blitzy - Ireland isn't in the United Kingdom!!!

    I think Scotland is the best - and I live in Norn Irn.

  2. Scotland is the most beautiful country in the Brittish Isles and the people there are the nicest

  3. Northern Ireland is definitely the most beautiful.

    I'm not convinced there's a 'British' identity as such.  We compete against each other too much for any sort of solidarity to be formed.  If we had a British football team, rugby team  etc. instead of teams for each of the individual countries then it might help.  Mind you, it doesn't do us much good in the Eurovision!

  4. wales

  5. I think most would say their place of origin.  But I would say England  is the better out of all the home nations, they are more tolerant and don't jump off the deep end the way we Celts do! We are too hot headed.

    No-one in England is bothered what religion you are, unless of course you are trying to ram it down their throats.

    Very proud to be British, and took the oath to serve my Queen and Country.

  6. Scotland is the prettiest, with Ireland not that far behind.

  7. ENGLAND,although the country is going down the tubes very fast.

  8. let's pop in England too here shall we

  9. England,

    Proud to be English, not British,

  10. I have been to all except N. Ireland, I think Wales is much nicer only if the weather improves

  11. Wales of course ^^

    Of course, I also very gladly consider myself British too

  12. England of course and proud of it despite its current problems

  13. Proud to live in England, and proud to be British...........

  14. England!!

    because it has London!!

    and I just love it even though I live in N.Ireland, I was born in London and a whole half of my family live over there!!

    I hust love it soo much!

    lovely sights,landmarks SHOPS!!!


  15. Scotland of course!

    yes i am very proud to be British!



  16. Scotland, Ireland

  17. Wales ofcorse, Driving out of the cosmopolitan city of Cardiff and withen 10 minuites i was surrounded by mountains full of brilliant scenery and trees, even driving  along the M4 in Cardiff there are lush fields and mountains in the distance, Roath Park lake hmmm brilliant! Brecon Beacons, Gower, Snowdonia, Pembrokshire N.P, Castell Coch, Powys, Cardiff Bay its all beugitful luv it!!!!

  18. None, Britain is undergoing a downfall, with PM.Brown and the ever increasing number of chavs... I myself am British, I wish I could escape this country.

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