
What would you do? Baby name help!?

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If your husband and you agreed on a baby name and then he decided a month after the baby is born, that he really did not like the name and never called the baby by her name, would you change it?

My daughter's name is Piper Grace. My husband almost never calls her by her first name and is not a big fan of it now. Would you change it or call her by her middle name (which he does not have a problem with), or just tell him to shush? Help please!

(I know I've asked this before, but I am still not sure what to do)




  1. just tell him from now on you will call him butt-face cause you dont really like his name anymore. then he will see the error of his ways

  2. I'd say just call her by her middle name.  

  3. I would Just call her by her middle name

    It would be alot easier

    Love the name Piper Grace

  4. In all honesty, its a stunning name....ur husband will eventually like it... :) I for one was in the same position as ur husband, but the only problem was, we were under the impression we were having a girl, only to be suprised by another boy. So we had no name at the time of birth for our boy... My husband then decided to name our son Ocean Criton... And i was in to much pain to even put up a fight so i just agreed...there was no time to sit and ponder on it. As the days and weeks went past, i disliked the fact that we called him Ocean, I was even to shy to tell ppl his name. But today, 6yrs later, I dont regret any of it... His name has made him the popular little guy he is today, dearly loved by us, well known by many, and heard of by many more :)

    So I believe each and every persons name has its own unique meaning and reason behind it....for my husband, the birth of his son was so overwhelming, he had to name him Ocean - So beautiful, but also so unpredictable :) Stick to the name, you chose it, and in its own way it has already defined who she is, so ur husband needs to accept it and move on :)

  5. I think if you have a name you like more....go ahead and change it

    If you don't call her grace :D

    She will feel special for having a ...unique...sort of hidden name piper

  6. wow...that's a cool name.

    i know that with our daughter, we both love her name, but typically call her nicknames like your hubby is doing with your daughter. that can actually be a neat connection for them...if he has a special name he uses just for her. but, of course, he should never let on that he does not like her name...EVER.  

  7. I like the name. You two have allready named her. I would just call her by her middle name. If he doesn't like her first name then he should have spoke up before or as she was born.Seeing as he didn't speak up,, that's his deal.Nothing bad against him but if he was just acting like he liked it to make you happy, yes, that's sweet and all but he's talking about his child's name.He should have thought about ya'll compromising on something else. I think it's fine that you call her by her middle name....Don't change her name,it's what she's got for the rest of her life..And there is a reason for everything.

    Good Luck


  8. first, just know that I personally LOVE that name, it is different though...  My advice would be to let him call her whatever he wants for now, you call her Piper or "Piper-Grace" (so she makes the connection) and when she is old enough let her decide which she prefers.  I would have loved to have had a name like that and maybe she would too, then again, maybe she won't.

  9. What does you husband call her instead? Another name or a cute nick name?

    I would not change her name. But if you both don't mind calling her Grace, i'd do that.

    I know of people who've named their children and call them a completely different name other than their original first or middle.

  10. i think its nuts your husband doesnt like your daughters name. ITS YOUR DAUGHTER, who would care if her name was, say, Freida, he should think it is the most beautiful name in the world.

    I dont think you should change it, people will think you are crazy. If you want to change it, call her Grace and when shes older she can decide for herself. It may be good that you gave her a unique name. At least she will stand out from all of the Avas and Caidens. :) I think piper is a gorgeous name. If my last name was different it would be on my list.  

  11. Has he said he will call her "honey" and "cutie" because he doesn't like it?  Or does he just not like the name Piper, but just happens to call her those nicknames too?

    She is only one month old.  As her personality starts to develop, he'll begin to see her more like a "Piper", OR maybe you'll BOTH see that she looks like a Grace?

    It's usually good to have 2-3 baby names ready for after the baby's born.  You'll never know what suits the baby until you meet him/her.  I'm not saying this isn't the case here; I just wanted to use this chance to dispense that particular piece of advice.  

  12. Ooo... I'd be so mad!  He had nine months to make up his mind about the name.  After she's born is not the time to change his mind.  

    Don't change it... it's really a GREAT name!  Love love love it!  He can continue what he's doing and call her Grace... lots of people's family call them different names than their first names.  In school and everywhere else she's Piper, but too Daddy she's his Grace.  It's kind of sweet, really.  

  13. Why did he change his mind? Anyway that would make me mad, I would tell him he ought to be ashamed of himself for refusing to call his own daughter by her name! That's her name and if you want to call her by it and expect other people to call her by it, then I think that's your right. He needs to quit being so insensitive.

  14. I think that your husband will come to like the name as it is very nice. But in any case most parent have nick names for their children so whatever he calls her will be special to him and her.

  15. it's BEAUTIFUL! what does your husband not like about it?

    I would wait until at least a year after the baby was born to change it. give him some time. it might grow on him again. but if doesnt like it, i would change her name. because, think, when Piper is 6 years old, she'll ask, "Mommy, how come you and daddy call me grace and not piper?" and you'll have to say "oh, sweetie, because your father decided he didnt like your name" then Piper Grace goes "WAHHHHH! DADDY DOESNT LIKE MY NAME WAHHH!"

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