
What would you do? Do you have a heart?

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OK what would you do.

it is 3º outside and it is the day before Christmas. All your christmas shopping, grocery shopping etc. is done. You want to treat yourself to a nice dinner after having a hard day of shopping. As you get out of your car. you notice a person sitting in the corner with no coat. You walk past them and they ask you for 20.00 so they can buy a nip of food and a jacket.

Not considering they are faking to be a hobo, what would you do?




  1. Never give an alcoholic or druggie money.  If they need something to eat, get if for them or pay for their food in a restaurant.  If they need lodging, help them find a shelter, or cheap motel, but dont give them the money.

    My point is, in a nutshell, help those in need, but dont feed their habbit.

  2. I would give it in a minute. People forget nowadays what it is like to be in need, until of course they are there. I truly believe you have to do good to recieve the good that life has to offer. PAY IT FORWARD!!

  3. I knew a guy that did this for a living.  He was married and owned his own home in Cincinnati.  He would rub himself with dirt every morning and beg for money.  He could easily get five hundred a day begging for money.

  4. It was really nice to read the answers that people put for this question. People still are charitable , I like the others would want to make sure that the money I gave to this person is spent on food and coat, so I would take this person to get a coat. And give him some money for food.If he does not use it for food , oh well at least he will be warm.

  5. I would take him into the restaraunt with me cause I could use some company. And we can chat a bit. Then I'm taking him to walmart or to the thrift store to buy a coat.

    Then, if the employment office is still open....I'm taking him there.

  6. walk by...he was probably faking it

  7. I would offer to have them eat dinner with me and get them a coat. If they refuse, and many have that I've offered to buy food for, then I know they want the money for drugs or booze, and I do not facilitate that.

  8. Those of us who work hard for our money are offended by someone who begs for money.  They make more than we do by doing nothing.  These people have chosen their fate.  I don' t give them anything.  If you give them money, they just go and buy crack.  They won't buy food or clothing.  They can get food and clothing free at homeless shelters.

  9. I recently transferred to a city a little bigger than the one I live in.  It has an infamous street and my job is right on the corner near the bus stop.  There are people each and every single day who ask for money, and I can NEVER say no.  I guess I'm not used to it yet and I think that even if they are faking it, it's only 30 dollars.  I'm not going to go hungry....I usually just have to decide what frivolous thing I'm going to have to give up that day.....

    It's feels nice to be nice..

  10. Nothing.  More than likely it is a scam.  Possibly I would direct them to a social service group to help, but never give money.  Too many scams, and too many alcoholics and drug addicts

  11. Sure, I'll give it to him.

  12. I would offer to buy them a meal and dine with me and purchase them a coat with gloves and a hat. If they were willing to accept these offers I would do it in a heartbeat. I have offered help in similar situations a couple of times and while most prefer just the cash I stand firm on offering what they had asked for. If they decline I bid them a good day and if they accept I make good on my offer. To me there is no better feeling than knowing you have made someones life better even if that person is a total stranger.

  13. Do I have the cash to give him? Afterall, in this day and age where plastic is king...just a thought. But, if I had $30 I'd give it without a second thought...and that would be any day of the year, not just christmas.

    Btw, I have been taken by a fake hobo once..but, I think ...if some is that down and out and pathetic that they've resorted to begging...why not!

  14. Keep walking

  15. I could NOT walk that person.  It's freezing out and they don't have a coat????  First I would buy them something to eat then take them shopping for a nice warm coat.  Merry Christmas.

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