
What would you do? GED or Diploma?

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I just found out that I cant go into a public school because I turned 18 during the summer, What kind of c**p is that? I have two choices

1: Go to the adult school and do the GED

2: Go the the adult school and get my high school diploma.

My parents say just get your diploma because thats whats important.

Any suggestions?




  1. It depends on what you want to do.  I know, I know... you're 18 and already have to decide what you want to do for the 40+ years, but really... what do you want to do?  A diploma is better for college (community or 4 year), but a GED is probably faster.  I definiely recommend the diploma if you're not sure.  There's more opportunities.

    Also, I think many places allow you to attend school until 20 or 21.  You may want to confirm since this could buy you some time and save you some trouble.

  2. Diploma will always look better.  GED's have a negative connotation with them, regardless of what they represent.  Employers more often would rather see a diploma than a GED on a resume.

    Why can't you go into a public school?  If that were the case, people that flunk a grade can't graduate because they'll be too old?  I had a 21 year old in my graduating class.  Double check that situation, friend.

  3. If you can swing the diploma option you should. In many ways the GED is just as good as your diploma, but in others it is deficient. If you want to get into a university, they will want to know why you didn't get your diploma. And let's all face facts here, you will be looked down on by most people when they here you have your GED in lieu of your diploma. It is just the way our society is.

  4. get ur diploma!

  5. I would have to say that the diploma will be something that you can be proud of!  It will have your name on it and there will surely be some sort of ceremony. It's not really a status symbol, but it is something that you can hang on your wall.

    Also, from that day forward, until you go to college and get a degree of some sort you are going to have to list on all job applications whether you have a diploma or GED. Some jobs will prefer the diploma. Are you being offered a car or something if you complete the diploma?

    I would say that it matters how many credits you are short? If you only need a few more credits, then it won't take too long and you can be proud to say that you have your diploma. There may still be a test that you have to take anyway to prove that you have achieved proficiencies in certain subject areas.

    On the other hand, you can study usually on a computer to get your basic skills to pass the GED. You have to pay to take the GED and go to a test center where the test is given in a room with a proctor and wveryone is carefully watched. It is a timed test. However, the time it takes to get the GED MAY be less (depending on your needed credits).

    You can apply to go to a community college with the GED and take some classes there to learn vocational skills so you can get a better than minimum wage job. The price to start school at a University has gotten way out of hand these days. So you are not any worse off for college with a GED. (I've read some of the other answers and they are not right. )

  6. well a deploma always looks better or you hope that it looks better but you can still get into colleges with a ged so basically its up to you where im at if i get a high enough score on my ged i can get free college so that may be somthign to look into what benefits you can get from each

  7. It depends what you want to do for a career. A diploma is always better than a GED but, if you are planning on going to college and getting a degree then it may not matter. An employer will most likely always choose diploma over GED but that may not be an issue in your field.  

  8. That is the craziest thing i have ever heard.  What state do you live in?

    I live in mo and lots of people turn eighteen in hs.  My step daughter got held back in first grade and she will be nineteen when she graduates.  Maybe you should check out other hs in your area.  Make sure you can't just change schools.  The hs experience is your best option.

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