
What would you do? Go on vacation or have a baby?

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My husband and I have literally gone back and forth on what our decision is at least 3 or 4 times over the last few months and we really can't make up our minds. What would you do?

Our friends are getting married in Puerta Aventura, Mexico in June 2009. The groom is my husband's best friend and he was the best man in our wedding. I've known the bride since we were in middle school. My husband has been asked to be in the wedding. As you can see they are pretty close friends. They have planned a lavish vacation/wedding at an expensive resort . Before they planned it we told them the maximum that we could afford to spend in order to come and this trip may even end up exceeding our budget. But we made a commitment to be there.

Shortly after making the commitment we really started to feel the urge to start our own family and we no longer want to wait. We have been married for over 2 years now and my husband is almost 30 and I'm almost 27. We have always wanted to be young parents therefore time is running out.

We want to buy a house and we have some debt to pay off. If we stick to our finances we will have enough money to pay off the debt, pay for the trip with cash and when we get back from the trip we will have about 6 months to save for a down payment on a house.

What we can't decide on is: should we go on vacation and hold off on baby making until we get back or should we try for a baby now and skip the vacation/wedding?

If we decide to have a baby I don't want to go on the trip pregnant and have given birth a few months prior. I am not going pregnant for a number of reasons including health reasons. And I am not going to Mexico a month or two after my baby is born.

What would you do?




  1. I have an eight year old son, and I love him to death. But I will say that after having a baby, life does change. Things aren't quite so spontaneous and you just kinda lose some of the freedom you had before. I would never change my decision to have him, but I would say that it really isn't going to change things much to wait a little while... you can kinda make that trip your last hoo rah before starting your family. Plus, I am sure that it would mean a great deal to your friends for you to be there.

  2. Go on vacation& make the baby while you're there =] By the time you get home, you might have a bun in the oven!  Hehe, good luck!

  3. Do what is best for you because your friends are planning their wedding according to their wishes as well and not according to your financial needs etc. You might not even get pregnant right away either.

  4. Wait and try for a baby while your on vacation. Let mother nature decide when you get pg.

  5. wait til, I was comfortable in the house first.

  6. Wait to get pregnant, go on the wedding/mini vacation trip.  Once you have a baby, you will not be able to do lavish you only vacations, why don't you start trying for a baby the minute you get to mexico! That would make it all the more fun!  And what a great "story" to tell, and a romantic one at that, as to where you got pregnant! Bring your prenatal, and start taking them before you go to Mexico!  That's what I would do!  Hope this helps!  Good luck! Have a great time in Mexico and enjoy being in a beautiful location with great friends!

  7. Get pregnant while on vacation.

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