
What would you do If you were in my shoes?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14, and my mom has this sorta "yin-yang" type of personality. When shes nice it'll be only for like 2 seconds and then she'll become this arrogant, rude, hypocritical monster. She says I never talk to her and I'm always locked in my room. Which is true, but it's only because of her flare ups. And anyways, she's 58 years old and I'm 14 so I can't really do anything I'd like to do with her or even relate to her at all. We're like opposites. When we do go out she starts yelling at me and saying that "Why can't you just stay home for once?" I don't get this. We were at therapy for unrelated reasons and the therapist told me when mom left the room that he thought she might be a little crazy.

My father [who's with another woman] told me he that she over reacts when things don't go her way. So I'm not alone with this. My nephew thinks the same and wishes I didn't live with my mom, but with him and my sis, who's 36.

But whats been bugging me is that around the age of nine my mom tried to stab me, and another time she tried to drown me.

I've told multiple therapist and even a policeman. [Don't ask] They all pushed it aside like it was nothing. I was expecting a "OMG WE'RE TAKING YOU AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW!" response. But no. Even one of them said "Well, lets just put this all behind us..."

etc, etc.

Getting to the point, what would you do if you were in my shoes?

I've been thinking, and I want to just live through the 4 years I have left until I'm 18 and get the h**l away from her. But a lot can happen in 4 years, so I'm still not sure..

and if I were to call some kind of children services, would they automatically give me to my father or could I chose to live with someone in my family who is 18 or over? My sister preferably. She is very financially stable, and I mean very. Is it possible?





  1. To begin with your therapist is not doing a good job, knowing that she is crazy.  She is probably going to the change of life plus other mental desease.  You can call social services ( anonymous,) they won't tell.  This case should be reported.  Talk to your sister.  The fact that she tried to stab or drawn you, really worry me.  I think if you talk to your sister, father, they should be able to do something.   I don't know what state do you live, but there is a line (county) that you can call, also you can talk to your counseling at school.  I don't think you should be staying with your mother.  I don't understand this therapist that you are going to. She is suppose to  report this kind of abuse to social services.  Did you have  counseling with your therapist along? You need to do that, tell your sister about so she can call the therapist.  Did you tell the therapist that she tried to stab you?  Document all the places that you go for therapy, everything she does.  I hope pray to God that nothing happened to you, but just in case these people are liable.  You should be living with one of your relatives but since your mother is crazy, they are probably  scare that they would be reported and tell a different story, since you are a minor.  This is case that the court would dicide to whom you should live with.  I'm surprised that your sister and father haven't done anything.  I was woder if you could buy a little recorder, but don't let her know and when she got those temper tamtrum you can have proof. Again talk to your father , talk to you therapist at school and document everything. Do everything that you can, but you have to get out there.   I hope you can get help soon.. God bless you.  ga

  2. Talk to your sis and tell her you can't stand her anymore. Your sisater of all people should understand.

  3. just like go live with her

  4. Wow i was expectining that they would take you away from your mom as well..

    Would your sister mind if you lived with her or you dad or any other relatives?

    Im sorry that your in this situation

    But good luck

  5. Talk to your sister. If she will and can take you in, then go. You have a much better chance explaining your fear for your safety when you have an adult on your side of the argument. If need be, call children's services and ask to speak to a social worker. Tell her you are very afraid of your mom, file a written report and do it at school too. There are people who are not in control of themselves for whatever reason. You need to watch out for yourself first, before you can help anyone else.

  6. maybe shes bipolar but yeah or um i forgot what it was called its when parent try to harm their kids because of a mental disorder. So um also i think that you have to be 16 to chose your parent. but i would stay away from her and some of the riches people including celebrities have mental issues. So um yeah stay away from her and just try not to get on her bad side. Try to find a family member that would take you in for a while. And i know what you mean by the police and stuff sometimes they don't even seem human or to understand.

    hope this helps btw I'm 14 too.

    i hope things work out really I'm not just saying that. i thought i've been through alot.

    my email if ou want to talk

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