
What would you do If your BFF told you they where g*y?

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How would you react?

what would you say?

would you still be there friend?




  1. I would probably smile, let them know i'm glad they trusted me enough to talk about their sexuality and then i'd remain their friend...

    i don't pick friends based upon their sexual preferences.

  2. dude! one of my best friends IS g*y! love him ta death. its always good to be around g*y people so you can see how everyone acts and stuff (i like to observe behavior its fun muahahahahaha)

  3. I would be mildly surprised, and say, "Oh, okay."  I'd still be her friend.

  4. I'd probably say "so?" and continue as things were.

    It's not that big of a deal.

  5. Commend their bravery and offer to be there when they tell other people, like their parents, siblings, etc.

  6. I really don't know...

  7. My best friend IS g*y and when he told me I kind of already had a feeling he was or at least bi. You could tell that he swung on both sides of the fence. I love him to death and I have never looked or will look at him differently. I'm a very open-minded person, despite my bluntness :D

  8. id have no problem with it.

    its not like they have a disease or anything.

    im not going to loose sleep over it.

    or think they are gross.

    Id acutally say..ok..u gotta bf/gf? let me meet em

  9. I would be really shocked as she has two kids and has told me a number of times her favourite part of a man....

    I would say "really? didn't see that coming"

    and yes I would still be her friend for sure

  10. I would still be their friend, but not support their sinful choice.  I would try to get them to see that what they are doing is wrong.

  11. How would you react?

    Why the f*ck did you lead me on. Am gonna f*ckin destroy you

    what would you say?

    If you knew you where g*y why the h**l did you go out with mw you motherf*cker. B@st@rd you better walk away and run as fast as you can before I count to 3 cuz then am gonna come running after you with a knife

    would you still be there friend?

    heck to da no..g*y peop r cool but don't lie to me or else

    EDIT: Oops I though you whwre talking abt a boyfriend but after reading your question you mean a friend oh.

    If its a friend then I would accept them for who they are if its my boyfriend then thts another question: my boyfriend will regreat the day he decided he was g*y and the day he asked me out

  12. I would be happy that she was comfortable enough to tell me.

    I would tell her I was proud of her, give her a hug, and then we would go to PRIDE so I could show that I support her.

    Of course I would still be her friend. No one chose to be g*y, and saying that they do is like saying someone chose to be black, or chose to be mentally retarded. You are who you are.

    I'm not g*y, but some of my best friends are, and I support them full heartedly.

  13. try to act normal

    2.we would carry about our day

    i wouldn't say anything in particular

    3.of course!

    hope i helped


  14. I have actually been there before. I just hugged him and told him that my opinion of him hasn't changed and that I am there for him and love him no matter what. Although I don't agree that people are born g*y I think if you really care about someone you will love them no matter what.

    Actually when he told me he was g*y there was a lot more to the story than that. He actually had messed around with my boyfriend and came to me to apologize.  I dumped my boyfriend but still kept my honesty g*y I forgave him even though he didn't ask me to.  It's important to accept your friends as they are and forgive them when they make mistakes.  I remember not even being mad at him at all but I was sooooo mad at my boyfriend. We never had s*x or anything. I guess maybe that's why I wasn't so upset about them fooling around.

  15. I don't know, I don't have a problem with g*y people.  My 14 year old ex boyfriend just came out of the closet and we're still close.  It doesn't change anything and a lot of g*y guys are way cooler than straight ones. =]

  16. I don't really see why people freak out.

    If my friend told me she was g*y, I'd say, "okay, whatever". It doesn't matter to me who they are attracted to. It's only one part of who they are.

    I'd definitely still be her friend. Sure, nothing would change. I know people who stopped being around their friends who were g*y. To that I wonder how strong the friendship was to that person if something as insignificant as one's orientation would destroy it. HTH

  17. I might be a little surprised, though I'd definitely stay there friend. I'm fine with having friends of any colour, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

    I'd probably say "really? I never knew that."

    Yeah, definitely. Just because someone is g*y it doesn't make them a bad person. I'd support her completely, and if anyone ever said anything I'd say something back.

    Even if she got a crush on me I'd stay her friend...I wouldn't mind at all. Maybe I'd even go on a date with her, just to see what it would be like...I'd tell her that, though...

    It seems like there are a lot of homophobic people on here.

    Too bad.

  18. my bff IS g*y.

    i dont mind.

  19. i do actually think one of my friends is g*y so it wouldn't be a shock. I'm just waiting for the day that she tells me, if she is. i would be shocked if my best friend said that to me though, i would probably be speechless and then say.. ok, erm, that's a big shock but its ok and you are still the same person i became friends with. and then say, so who's the lucky girl then. and carry on as normal  

  20. i would say oh i dont care.

    cause there still the same

    person as when they

    didnt tell you they where

    g*y except now you just

    know for a fact that they

    are g*y. and of course

    they would still be my friend

  21. honestly when i told my best friend i was bi she was really unsupportive and said all the wrong things.

    if you get told you shouldnt question it its their decision and they know if theyre right or wrong. you also need to let them know that youll be there to talk to them whenever they want to talk about it. you also shouldnt try and "make them straight again" my best friend did that and honestly i wdnt come out to her again.

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