
What would you do? Moral dilemma?

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Say your a tile installer and you just got a job to set some tile in somebody's home. They are a couple who just purchased a home from the bank and have absolutely no clue about what's beneath the carpet in their master bedroom. You are in charge of tearing out the carpet in their house and setting new tile. The house is all to yourself for a week and as you continue tearing out the carpet (which has no signs of previous tampering) in the master bedroom, you discover that there is a steel plate beneath the carpet and underneath that steel plate lies a cylindrical safe about 12 inches in diameter. Do you tear out the safe for yourself and quickly cover the hole with ceramic tile, or do you tell the new owners about it?




  1. I think it's refreshing that you're even asking this question.. Maybe there's hope.

    Do what you think is right.

  2. I would absolutely tell the owners about it. They probably don't know anything about it but if they did it could kill your business. Also, what if there happened to be something bad in there? For instance something that, by possessing it could make you appear to be part of a crime or other undesirable act. Plus you won't have to live with the guilt of not telling. And if it does turn out to be something good, maybe they will reward you for it.

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