
What would you do? My little brother is having trouble.?

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My little brother is 7 years old. We live in a small neighborhood, and in it there are about 6 boys between 7 and 10. One of the 10yr old boys is big for a kid his age, he is a bully and constantly gets in trouble. He is always hurting and upsetting the younger kids, and no matter how often his parents are told, they don't believe it. They think he is perfect and everyone is just against him. Yesterday the boy gave my brother the finger and was pushing him around. Those are daily occurences. We don't want to tell Cory he can't go outside and play, he's a little boy and its nice out, but he gets very upset when this stuff happens. He gets all choked up. He won't hit the boy back when he gets hit, pushed, or something thrown at him. He's very passive. What would you do?




  1. It depends on how old you are.  It also depends on wether you have told your parents or not.  Tell them first and tell them how long it has been gonig on.  Sometimes parents don't like to get too involved, so I would suggest getting your brother and the rest of the kids that get messed with to play in your backyard without the bully.  You know kind of keep it a secret so that he doesnt try to follow them.  If the bully makes his way over to your house, simply tell the him that he is not welcome at your house until he can play nicely with your brother and the rest of the boys in the heighborhood!  If you don't have a backyard have the boys play inside until the bully goes home.  Then your brothers and his friends can make their way back outside to play.  Don't forget that if the bully tries to come back outside to play, all of you go back in the house right away.  Keep doing this and believe me, the bully will get the point and either go home and think about his behavior or try to fix the problem by appologizing!

  2. You need to talk to your brother about these things.  You do not want him to be building up passive anger over the years.  When he is bigger than somebody else he'll bully him.  You have to explain to him that what Cory is doing is not right.  Then you have to take action in some way against Cory.

  3. if his parents weren't doin anything i'd rough him up and teach him a lesson myself.

  4. Talk to your parents and tell them this stuff...have them take responsibility and call the bully's parents.

  5. record the bulling and show the parents.  If they do nothing, tell the police.

  6. I would yell at that kid I wouldn't care what his parents have to stand up for you brother and teach him not to let people push him around......there is nothing wrong with being passive but he needs to learn some self defense or else he will never make it in life

  7. you should tell him to stand up for his self.and when he gets called names to icnor it and it won`t be fun for the boy to pick on him any more.

  8. could you try and speak to the other boys parents? maybe if you tell them they can help sort it out. another suggestion is to encourage a freindship. my daughter was being bullied and after the school made the bully apologise for her behaviour, my daughter made her a card to say thank you. the bully was thrilled that smeone had taken time to do something for her. she hasnt bullied her since!! often it is attention seeking behaviour so if the bully gets attention for something other than being bad they begin a new cycle and break the old cycle that led to them being a bully in the first place

    good luck x

  9. This is an issue your brother is going to have to deal with.  Anyone else solving it for him is going to undermine his self-confidence.  Show him ways to defend himself and give him words to say.  The most important thing is that he changes how he reacts in order to take the pleasure of being bullied away from the bullies.  They won't bully him if it always leads to a fist fight.  Sooner or later, they'll get tired of fighting and find someone else to pick on.  I don't mean to encourage violence, but this is a life skill he has to learn.

  10. If the parents are that rediculous I'd tell them that they need to either get it to stop or you will file assault charges on their son.

    Edit*** also you can have a complaint filed with the department of chidren services for their neglect in watching their kid,and the abuse at home causing his behavior..they usually go hand in hand.

  11. Honestly, I don't know if this is right or not, but what I would do is confront the little sh*t and tell him, "You mess with my brother, you mess with me. I will rock your little tiny world!" The next time he screwed with my brother, I would chase his little as* all the way home, then tell his parents you are sick and tired of him messing with your brother and if they can't stop it, you will!!! Good luck!

  12. if you have a cell phone or camera just video tape him bullying and show it to his parents.

  13. teach the kid to fight for shure :).... not much can be done if the other kids parents wont do anything about him

  14. That's sad. My little borther's name is Cory too and it's spelled the same way! Except, he's 19. Anyways, I think your parents should go over and talk to his parents. If they have already, I would go out with your brother and play when he does that way you can kinda baby sit him and if this kid comes around, take a picture of what he's doing or tell him off yourself!

  15. Call the police.  Non emergency number.

  16. if everybodys against this boy, go to the school and get them to talk to the parents, and if the parents still are in denial, then get every one against him and get them to write down what hes done and maybe that'll shock the parents

  17. Go out with your brother and teach the bully a lesson...bully him around for awhile and see how he likes it.

  18. Sounds like that Bully needs to be taught a lesson. Sometimes we have to step in and help our sibblings out a little. I don't mean beat him up or anything but you could always embrass him. Bully's hate to be humiliated.

  19. if it happens this often, then i'd let him play outside and film the bully being mean..then show it to his you have a digital camera?

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