
What would you do The Cheating Wife

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A man returning home a day early from a business trip got into a taxi at the airport. It was after midnight.

The man suspected his wife was having an affair and he intended to catch her in the act. While en route to his home, he asked the cabby if he would be a witness. For $100, the cabby agreed.

Quietly arriving at the house, the husband and cabby tiptoed into the bedroom. The husband switched on the lights, yanked the blanket back and there was his wife in bed with another man.

The husband put a gun to the naked man's head.

The wife shouted, "Don't do it! This man has been very generous! I lied when I told you I inherited money. He paid for the Corvette I bought for you. He paid for our new cabin cruiser. He paid for our house at the lake. He paid for our country club membership, and he even pays the monthly dues!"

Shaking his head from side-to-side the husband slowly lowered the gun. He looked over at the cab driver and said, "What would you do?"

The cabby said, "I'd cover his a*s up with that blanket before he catches a cold."




  1. worth 2 points

  2. Hahaha...true ..cabby man should add ""' please request him also for my 100$

  3. hahahhahahahaha hilarious. cant stop laughing. keep it up!....u rock!

    this joke will be passed on to many friends! =) we need more funny users like you who can actually post a good joke. =) =) =) =) =) =)

  4. Ha ha ha.!!!

    Good one mate.!!!

    Got me laughing.!!

    Cheers Chris.!!

  5. Nicest one till date for me.

    One day, the Lord decided to make a companion for Adam. He summoned St. Peter and told him of his decision. He told St. Peter that he wanted to make a being who was similar to man, yet was different, and could offer him comfort, companionship and pleasure. The Lord said he would call this being a woman.

    So St. Peter went about creating this being which was similar to man yet was different in ways that would be appealing and could provide physical pleasure to man. When St. Peter had finished creating this being who could now be called woman he summoned The Lord.

    "Ah, St. Peter, once again you have done an excellent job," said The Lord.

    "Thank You, Great One," replied St. Peter. "I am now ready to provide the brain, nerve endings and senses to the being, this .. woman. I require your assistance on this matter, Lord."

    "You shall make her brain, slightly smaller, yet more intuitive, more feeling, more compassionate, and more adaptable than man's," said The Lord.

    "The nerve endings," said St. Peter. "How many will I put in her hands?"

    "How many did we put in Adam? asked The Lord.

    "Two hundred, my Lord," replied St. Peter.

    "Then we shall do the same for this woman," said The Lord.

    "And how many nerve endings shall we put in her feet?" inquired St. Peter.

    "How many did we put in Adam?" asked The Lord.

    "Seventy five, my Lord," replied St. Peter.

    "Ah yes, these beings are constantly on their feet, so they benefit from having less nerve endings there. Do the same for woman," said the Lord.

    "How many nerve endings should we put in woman's genitals?" inquired St. Peter.

    "How many did we put in Adam?" asked The Lord.

    "Four hundred and twenty, my Lord," replied St. Peter. "Of course, we did want Adam to have a means of receiving extra pleasure in his life, didn't we? Do the same for woman," said The Lord.

    "Yes, my Lord," said St. Peter. "No, wait," said The Lord. "s***w it, give her ten thousand! I want her to scream my name!"

  6. nice/.,

  7. omg omg omg omg omg omg. GOOD CABBY!

  8. ha ha ha~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that cabby is a smart ***~~!!!!!!!!!!

  9. My grandad was telling that one at El Alamein

  10. lol  

  11. Stop telling my business!!! LOL!!!!

  12. funny

  13. Good one!

  14. thats good funny funny

  15. Good one.

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