
What would you do? Would you do it?

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Ok so I'm 22 and from California. Last Dec I went to Vegas and was randomly walking in a casino when this Scottish boy asked me where the "toilet" was...I showed him but he never went inside, it was just a plan to try and talk to me. I was interested at first but then he went w/ my friends and I into a bar and he won me over. We talked the whole night probably for like 4 hours but I had to leave the next morning. I called him the next week because I was so drawn to him w/ such a strong connection. We kept in touch and talked pretty much everyday, he came back to Vegas in April and we met up for the weekend. Then he bought me a ticket to go see him in Scotland and I just came back about 2 weeks ago. We have fallen in love and I've never felt this way. He asked me to move over there w/ him in January. I really love him and I looved Scotland and the people. But if I go, I'm going to leave my job (it's not that great anyway) my family and friends. I think I wanna do it because I love him sooo much and hate being away from him, plus I'll just be trying it out for 6 months. It will be hard though not having any familiar faces around and being across the world from everyone you know. Would you guys do it? What do you think??




  1. if you really love the man, i would do it. of course, i have never been in love so i don't really know....but, i guess i would.

  2. go for it, you're still young and can afford to be a bit impulsive.

    but be prepared for reality to kick in when you see each other constantly and make sure you have a ticket to get back home if it all goes wrong!

    i hope that if you move to scotland it all works out!

    ps bring an umbrella it rains all the time here!

  3. Scotland is a lovely country, but it really is very cold, especially in winter. You as a US citizen could only enter as a tourist and your future in the country would be very uncertain. It's your decision and yours alone, but what would you do with yourself all day if you were not allowed to work and there was no suitable course of study for you? Just think it over very seriously before you take the plunge. And if you go, hang on to that return ticket.

    By the way, that was a remarkable chat up line!

  4. GGAaaakkk!  What I just said to a guy.  Punctuate.  Paragraph.  Give me chance to read something other than a 300-word block, and I will.

    Are these basic linguistic skills off the curriculum nowadays?

  5. If its really love you will do anything...I would

  6. If I were 22 again, I'd go for it - providing you can count on the fare back home, if things don't work out...

  7. leaving your job might be an okay thing to do

    but for me, its never nice to leave family.

    i dont know, id get homesick.

    then again, im still 15 living with parents.


  8. If I truly loved someone with my whole heart then I would go to be with him.

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