
What would you do about the gas crisis?

by  |  earlier

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I know the government is not calling it a crisis but when my small car cost over $60 to fill up I call it a crisis. What options do you think is our best hope? I choose ANWAR please see




  1. ...In my "neighborhood"...the "kids" go out on the weekend nights and "hit" the car-dealership lots...gas can(s) and hoses; then the sell me a tank full for about $20.00...  (it works so well, I'm thinking of ordering some new tires too from them)

  2. Technology News-

  3. Drilling today and adding more refineries would do little to affect the world or US price of oil.  Oil companies in the US are sitting on millions of gallons of oil they can drill but aren't.

    If to you costing $60 is a crises just think about all the people worldwide that can't afford enough food because the costs have risen dynamically.  Your little crises is really nothing so quit your whining.

  4. Business- ALL Business- exists by "Demand". The More ANY product is in demand- the MORE any Business can charge for their Product. The price of Gas has increased almost $1.25 over the past year- because the Oil Companies were trying to see how MUCH they could "get away with" charging Us- before we started using LESS of its "product"! Now let's face it; NOBODY can TELL anyone Else- what kind of or how BIG a car they should Drive... We Drive what we can AFFORD to pay for- and that's THAT. But the REALITY IS, if, how & what we drive -is OUR Choice... And if ANY of Us don't want to be "at the Mercy" of the Oil Companies, then we're JUST going to have to find ways to use less of their Product. OTHERWISE, -when THEY say "jump"- we'll all scream, "How High ?" !  :0

  5. take some beano

  6. walk

  7. Annex Iraq.  It could be the newest state of the US.  No drilling necessary.  Pipelines are already in.  There will be a new nasty dictator there in a short time, anyway.  It would bring them into  the modern era is quick order.  Convert them all to Christianity at the same time.  Get rid of that hateful cult of Islam, also.

    World powers always do that kind of thing.

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