
What would you do?/and are the teachers picking on me?

by Guest61355  |  earlier

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so im only in grade 8 and a lot of my teachers give me a hard time, is it me or is it just them, okay so yesterdy in R.E i was sitting next to my freind and i was talking and when the teacher told me to be quiet i did and htne someone else was talking and she was telling me off she kept on doing it to me so i got mad and the F word slipped out.!

so erm...what would you do and is she just picking on me?




  1. No, she made a mistake, but you really screwed up!  The "f" word doesn't just "slip out," especially at school.  Get control of your temper or you'll be in major trouble.  In general, students who lose their cool to that degree (cursing in class/at a teacher) are labeled troublemakers right away.

  2. Dear I being a teacher myself, I feel that you might be having a habbit of talking in the classroom. Well, no teacher likes the students talking while they are teaching.  i suggest you to talk to your teacher about it and every thing would then be OK.

  3. My guess is that she has a history with you that made her certain it was you who was talking because you probably talk a lot in her class and probably continue to ignore her instructions to be quiet.  If that is the case, you can fix that part of your relationship with her by being quiet when you're supposed to.

    It's never appropriate for a student to use the F word with his/her teacher just as it's never appropriate for anyone to use the F word at work (well, at most jobs).

    You should go to her privately after class or at lunch or after school, apologize for the profanity and without anger explain that you lost control because that time you were not the one talking.  She should appreciate both the apology and the explanation.  

    You already know what she thinks, and it is now your responsibility to take blame for your loss of anger and to explain.  Acting mature will go a long way with most teachers.

  4. No, they're not picking on you.  I'm not sure what class R.E. is but if a teacher is instructing then you should be listening.  I hope you apologized for your slip as well.

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