
What would you do as a GA pilot who had been involved in an accident .....?

by  |  earlier

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resulting in a passenger dead - you seriously injured and things were looking as though you were the cause?

Out of the blue you are contacted by someone who believes you may not have been responsible - backs up his feelings with 1 lb weight of copies of correspondence sent to the relevant authority and others a year prior to the accident, all of which appear to have been ignored!

Would you:

a) Be thankful and try to take some follow up action to clear any suspicion against you?

b) Thank the sender and inform him that you did not intend taking any action?

c) Do nothing - not even thank the person who contacted you?





  2. be thankiful and try to take some follow up action to clear any suspicion against you

  3. I would have been in touch with both an  Aviation and a Criminal attorney and would be following their advice.

    Damm sure would not be playing "ostrich" (burying my head in the sand)

  4. a)  definitely!   Why do you ask?

  5. A

  6. I agree with Jason. This is clearly a question of integrity. Any lawyer can make an argument about anything. The question is - what is the truth? If you really believe that you were not at fault, then I suspect that you will not need this guy to help make your case. If you think that you were at fault - intentionally or not - then the right thing to do is to say so. Your integrity is your only recourse in this obviously painful situation. Of course, it's always the only recourse for anyone in any situation, if you ask me.

  7. I would ask myself if this is a lawyer trying to make a few quick bucks off of me or someone else.

    the aviation world is made up of a 50/50 ratio of honest, decent, hard-working good people and complete slimy sick-o's who will step over their own mother to earn a buck.  there isn't much in-between.  Which category does this person fall into?

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