
What would you do as a high schooler in my situation?

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I go to a small high school (around 90 students per class). I work and even take one of my classes at the community college in a town 7 miles away. The town is bigger (they have around 150 students per class at that high school). My boyfriend goes to that high school and lives in that town.

I'm feuding where I want to transfer to that school. With gas prices rising it wouldn't make a difference if I went to school there considering I work there after school anyways and my last class is in that town.

It's all the drama at my school and how much I am not learning that makes me want to switch schools. I am already a junior, have only two more years to go, but should I transfer anyways? You only do live once.




  1. I'm assuming you are planning to drive to and from school daily.  What do your parents think of the idea?  Would you be getting a better education?  Also, if your boy friend did not live there, would you still be considering such a change? Your case seems logical to me.  

  2. my answer is;

    You are already commuting so fuel cost is a mute point. Connivance?

    So what you need to ask yourself is;

    What does one school offer that the other does not?

    Of course it's going to be the drama as you probably don't have gang issue's and that sort of thing. So you and your thoughts of "Leaving Them!" is the Big story. They're probably even talking about it down at the barber shop and beauty parlor.

    If the other school offers opportunities you can't get where you are. You need to be a little selfish and go for what is Best for you and your Future.

    Good Luck Kid

    (wish I could have picked my high school)

    hope my answer helps.

  3. You'll save gas by just going to school there, since you already work there. Then you won't have to drive to your current high school in the morning. But don't transfer if you're doing it for the boyfriend. If you two break up, then you're gonna be super uncomfortable there.  

  4. well sounds to me like that's what you want to do. i'd say why not? Education comes first. and instead of driving you can take the bus or the train. do you have trains and buses that head that way? well hopefully you do.

    Good Luck!

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