
What would you do during a three-hour layover at an airport between flights?

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What would you do during a three-hour layover at an airport between flights?




  1. I would research the area and find out if there are any malls around or good restaurants.. take a cab go there and kill time.. Then come back to the airport and catch the flight.

  2. I have had opportunity to arrange to visit with friends in the cities where I know people, though these days security being what it is, this isn't as easily arranged.

    Napping in one of those chairs is almost impossible so for me, it's walking and people watching.

  3. I would tour the airport, get something to eat. Not much to do if you stay behind the secure area of the airport.

  4. take your lap top  i take books & mags to read ~~ iget a bite to eat ~~~ go outside for 40 min. please make sure you are at your gate on time i had a few scares i thought i missed the plane i was running when they paged me ~~~

  5. Geocaching.  Buy a GPS, visit, and make every stop-over an opportunity to go for a walk, get fresh air, and find hidden treasure.

  6. Drink all the free booze I could in the "VIP" section.  They have snacks too.

  7. Airports usually have stores that sell things that represent their region/state.  When I was in Raleigh, North Carolina, I bought barbecue sauce there since North Carolina is known for barbecue.

    Since I like airplanes, I see if I can find a place where I can watch airplanes take-off and land.  If the airport is a busy international one, it is even more exciting because you can see airlines from different countries.

    You can arrive at the gate early so you can find a seat to sit at while you wait to board.  Right now the flights are pretty full so there are hardly any seats left for you to sit in at the gate area if you arrive late.  Have a magazine or pick-up some food while you wait for your plane.  Remember, airlines do not feed you anymore so it is best to eat before you fly.

  8. Tour the airport, eat and find out more about direct non stop flights ...for future reference. (smile)

  9. If I was hungry I would go eat, else I would sit at the gate reading a book

  10. Probably read a good book it makes time go faster.

  11. Don't get upset, Consider that this has the potential of being an opportunity to meet new people or finding interesting places and wonderful experiences. Stay Full of Wonder, and have a Wonderful time.

  12. you don't want to leave the airport and then come back.  It would take 15 minutes to get off the plane, 30 minutes to get somewhere (minimum), 30 minutes to get back and probably 30 (or more!!) minutes to get back through security.  That leaves you about an hour.

    What I do is plan ahead and take something to do in the airport (Laptop, DVD player, book, IPOD, etc.)

    Good Luck,

  13. I would either read, watch the airplanes (if there are big ones), or explore the airport looking for something unique or local.  Every airport has McD's and Starbucks, but if I were changing planes in a city I'd never been to before, I'd try to find a food place that they don't have where I'm from, or even one that is representative of that city.  Like Harry Caray's at Chicago Midway.

  14. It goes by quicker then you think.

    Go grab a bite to eat, or a drink, then just grab a magazine and realx for a while.

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