
What would you do for 125,000, tax-free?

by  |  earlier

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what if you were guaranteed to get 125,000 from a judge, but you owed 870.00 bill, you don't have the 870.00 to pay, no family, no anything. What would you do to get a little amount of money. do you think this is hypothetical? think again this is my life




  1. I would like to know how you are getting $125K from a judge tax free (I'd like to do that!!!)--you could get a small loan from somewhere--especially if you know for SURE you can pay that back right away---or sell some furniture or something around the house, etc...I would do whatever I had to do to get that money!!!

  2. is that $870,  or $870,000?

    i think you have the decimal in the wrong place.  but if you owe more than you are guaranteed by the judge, try getting a loan or something. then use a small part of it to invest in the stock market.?

    i dont fully understand the problem though.....

  3. A judgment is only as valuable as the likelihood that you have to collect it.  If I had a $100 million judgment against Donald Trump, maybe I get it, maybe I don't.  If I had the same judgment against you, I probably never collect.

    s***w the bill for now.  If you ever get the money, deal with it then.

    I wish you all the luck in the world.  Stay realistic.  Spend what you have in your hands only.  Keep me posted on your progress.  I may be able to help in other ways, but not in this forum.  Contact me, if you need more assistance.

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