
What would you do for a double cheese burger and fry from McDonald's?

by Guest33416  |  earlier

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What would you do for a double cheese burger and fry from McDonald's?




  1. umm pay the like 3$ for it , lol

  2. i can go ask my mother for some money thats all i gotta do

  3. Just one fry? Singular? Probably not much. A whole order? Hmm...I might just pay for it seeing as it's only a buck.

  4. anything[[ great now imma drive out and git 1 ]]  :]

  5. i would rather starve than eat anything from McDonald's.


  6. nothing..

  7. I would wait til I was really really hungry and then didn't care what I ate!  LOL  :)

  8. Call and Pretend I had one and it was messed up so that I could go up there and get a free one :)

  9. If I was so inclined to eat garbage, I would just pull out $2.14(in my area) and purchase the c**p.

  10. Nothing. I wouldn't even drive there for a free one.

  11. streak

  12. behave like Veruca Salt

  13. I would do anything for McDonalds. ANYTHING!!!

  14. kick john mayor in the nards....

  15. i actually never eat fast food

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