
What would you do for someone who saved your child's life?

by  |  earlier

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Someone you had never met.




  1. Pretty much anything.

  2. Say Thank You!

  3. i read ur story the other day

    u live in tampa florida? invite them over and have a celebration  for them take them to disney. they prob wont be expectin anything just let them know how thankful you r gd luck with everything and i send my love to your family hope everything works out for the best gd luck x*x

  4. I would owe them one,they would get total service when they called it in,not that they would need to,i always pay back for what i receive.A matter of honour.

  5. I would be so grateful! She would get thanked a million times. Anything she needed, I would do my best to help her with.  

  6. I would take a pic of child looking at something beautiful for the first time. Maybe a flower or a tree. Then I would send it in a card to them. Once a year on the childs birthday I would send the same again, until they reach 18. I could never be thankful enough

  7. That's a beautiful story. Thankfully the world is still full of decent human beings.

    I'd give them anything in the world and would be their friend till death do us part.

    There are many hero's out there, I have been lucky enough to met a few in my life. It's sad the little darling loses her eye, but at least it isn't a life.

    That woman deserves a medal in my opinion.

  8. It is impossible to repay someone for saving the life of a loved one.  You could continuously send them flowers and gifts but at the end of the day 90% of all human beings would try to protect a child so therefore probably wouldnt appreciate the gifts after a while.

    Maybe just buy them a small sentimental gift that they can keep.

    Like a little trophie with some engraving and nice words on it?

  9. Depends on how attached I was to my child. I may thank them, or curse them.

    EDIT: What, why so many thumbs down??? If my child was say, Gary Glitter, should I be grateful fo him being saved??!


  10. I don't think anything would be enough. But maybe staying in regular contact to let them know that the child's progress would be a good start. Howe can you repay someone for that kind of wonderful act?

  11. That's an amazing story. I'd probably do anything for them.

  12. keep in touch with them let them know how thankful i am maybe get a plaque made or take them out for dinner it depends on what your resources are  

  13. have just read the news attachment, what a great person! not many people would take the time to research it and then email the person! only way you can is be eternally greatfull and stay lifelong friends :) good luck with your little one :) xx

  14. "how can i repay you?"

  15. if someone i never met saved my childs life i would want them to be in my life forever. if they saved my childs life due to donating an organ i would want the persons familly to be part of my lfe forever.

  16. i feel sorry for the kid and mom

  17. I'd worship the ground they walked on.( I'm a mom)

  18. wow thats amazing,

    well firstly she is having a self award if that makes any sense but if i where you i would just try 2 help her out with any problums she had

  19. I would do my best to show how grateful i was to them, i love my son to bits. To be honest though, is there really anything you could do to show how thankful you are in circumstances like that? If they needed any help with anything though, i would try my best to help as much as i could.

  20. try and contact them in some way find out what they like, do they have a hobby? and if u can afford to buy them a little something and a thank you card maybe enclose a letter in with it saying that you feel you could never fully repay them for saving ur childs life , which is precious to you, but u hope that they will accept ur eternal thanks and a small gift to say thank u and that u will never forget what they did to protect ur child and keep them safe for if it hadnt been for them, ur child may not be with u today Gilly x

  21. i would see what they needed, and give it to them.

    thank them alot. get to know the person. offer to do them favours

  22. When I was 11 there was this 2 yera old kid in the street and I went out into the road to get him on the sidewalk. Then this car came out of nowhere I pushed the kid onto the sidewalk and he was fine. But the car got me I had my arm broken in 3 places 2 broken ribs and scratches all over. The family paid for my medical bills and gave me $1000.

  23. I would be forever in their debt

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