
What would you do for your country (United States)?

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Personally, I feel blessed to have been born in the U.S.

What are you willing to do for the U.S. - Run for a political office (on a local, state or national level); volunteer your time to work on a political campaign, accept a loss of some of your civil rights to improve Homeland Security; join the military, participate in Teach America, volunteer for a charity (local or national), give money to charities - anything else you are willing to do?

Do you think it is ok to complain about problems in the U.S., but take no action to improve things?

When I select the Best Answer, I will tell you what I have done for my country.




  1. Fight Back!

    Don't be part of the diehard dem or gop failure......

    Take a chance in Freedom...........

    Hold back your vote til the very last month.....

    Don't be bought like sheep to slaughter............

    Its that bad now.............

  2. ive worked on a campaign and voted in every election since I was old enough to vote. I also plan on enjoying everyone of my freedoms and encouraging others to do the same.

  3. That's a great question! One that maybe isn't asked enough. A good way I have found is supporting our soldiers and their families here at home. Reguardless of the political issues, these folks deserve support. One way I contribute is by joining a local group and send care packages. Or help with jobs that the soldier  away serving would normally do and the family left home cannot. We go to the airport whenever there is a charter flight of soldiers comming home or being deployed and support them. This video link is a flight that just arrived from overseas at 12:39 Saturday morning at Pease I.T.P. in Portsmouth HN.  I video tape these and post them to show we truely do support our country and care.

  4. I spent four years as a Marine, and have seen combat and have been wounded. I am unable to fight now but I can help by making lots of money and paying taxes, which I do.

    I also help the guys in the field by being very vocal in my support for their mission. The war in Vietnam was lost because the people at home lost will not the people in the field. I will do anything to keep what happened to my Dad from happening to my brothers, they cannot be denied victory.

    I volunteer for various charities, I have worked as a cop, a volunteer fireman and work as a substitute teacher and high school football coach.

    I buy American whenever I can and I listen to, view taste and touch as many forms of American artwork that I can.

    I am proud to be an American and I am an American before I am anything else.

    America is the greatest country on Gods green Earth.

  5. Solve the misery of living human kind in own backyards for all the little ones and the children out there.

    Before leaving them in time.

    The blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose with time after the mystery of us-911

    which must be look into for the good of mankind.

  6. I spent 13 months in Iraq working bomb dogs,i would do what ever it takes to keep are country free,i would run for pres if i had the money this country has to be strong we have to put mexico back in mexico,we have to take care of the old an young are people health care the insurance co an drug an oil co run this country the people pay more taxes than overseas companys do a dam same it is my thought if you do trade with us you will have to pay rember we feed the world so a far price for oil sure it can be done they can not eat it or sand so deal fair with us.An what has happen to school kids getting there buts out of the house in the summer an working will that is a easy one mexicans took are kids jobs in the summer are young people will work it might take dad to kick a little butt but it did not kill me an a whole lot of otheres.Ok Iraq,Iran,SAudie,syra can starve they will drop the price of oil bring our troops home an we will fight a war with out fireing a shot an loseing 4000 troops hey people do not understand we have the food if we use these one thing when a country is bad to its people they do not eat they will change is this crule no is killing millions of your owen people yes so somebody has to step up an the rep or dem have not got enough guts to do what it takes to run this country to many bullsh in dc.

  7. I personally fought the corrupt, but unfortunately it was the government.

  8. I have worked and still work and pay taxes

    I have voted for people that would have made a difference but were never elected

    I emailed President Bush a plan to save social security

    I called President Reagen to complain that the people working on oil rigs were losing their jobs because of him.

    I emailed Mary Landau to tell her that not only black people are poor after hurricane Katrina

    I try to buy products made in the USA, that's a task

    I tell everyone John Edwards is our only chance to save America

    I promote universal health care through payroll deductions and auto insurance at the pump

    I think people need to write to our leaders and complain, let them know whats wrong, the lobbyist do it all the time.

  9. I'd do this for Her.

    I'll tel it a little story:

    Remember when you were a little kid and that one time, you were in the sandbox, there with your favorite toy, and that big bully came up and took it from you.

    He put the toy behind his back, and said: "Guess which hand it's in, and I'll give it back."

    No matter which hand you picked, left or right, he always pulled out and empty hand...bye bye toy!

    We're done the same way with all of our civic freedoms, liberties, rights...

    No matter which party we pick. "Left" or "Right."

    Instead of giving our liberties and freedoms back, they only pull out a new tax, fee, surcharge, or restriction of some small, insignificant, thing, that just adds yet another straw on the camels back.


    I recommend the doctor:

    I tell you this because I, truly, as your Fellow American, love you all.

  10. The best thing we can do is impeach Bush. We also need to help the poor to get on their feet. We as a nation need to be more aware of the poor and suffering. How can we say to the world we are good when we can't help people here who need it the most?

  11. I served 25 years in the U.S. Navy, ran for political office twice, contribute to several charities (including the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society) and have also worked on several political campaigns involving precinct walks and the like.  I have not lost any of my civil liberties since creation of the Department of Homeland Security or the passage of the Patriot Act. Of course, unlike some others, I don't have a tin-foil hat in my wardrobe.

  12. Create a better educational plan. From funds to better teaching methods.

  13. served in the army went to Iraq , and turned in a solder who stold from  iraqi's (no im not proud about that, but its was the right thing to do).

    cause why did we go there just to replace one evil with another one. NO

    if you cant be a stand up person when no one is watching , you never will be

    lead by example

  14. What i would do for my country...sounds like a question from my english class...but I would probably do anything it asked me to do, would i run for office? probably not, i hate argueing i am not good at it and i am not good a lying. If they were to enact the draft, i wouldnt dodge it if my number came up. If i had money, most certainly i would give to charity, i love giving stuff to people. As for your last question, no i dont think its ok to complain about the problems but do nothing to back up your words.

  15. Of those items on your list, I have done several, but the most important thing I can and will do for my country is NOT accept the loss of any of my civil rights to improve homeland security or any other aspect of the government's power.  Those who believe that sacrificing your basic civil rights in the name of security is "patriotic" a) don't understand the tenets on which America was founded, and/or b) aren't paying attention to what they gov't is doing.

  16. i love my country, dont get me wrong, but i would never do anything for the country myself. im a citizen, not a leader of the US. the most i would do is volunteer for charities. i probably will do that.

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