
What would you do for your perfect wedding?

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Things I forgot to address in the 'Other' category:




  1. find the perfect man.

    that's all that really matters in the wedding.

  2. colorful


    colorful (yet again)


    2 people gte marid

  3. There is no perfect wedding.

  4. I'm a guy guys don't mind as long as their is a cake and beer lol.

  5. i will  

  6. each other for life

  7. Sunflowers, We'll let the participants make the cake all together instead of chefs!

    Colors: We'll vote at the wedding among the group and use crayola markers.

    Other: Lots of 3-string broken guitars out of tune that sound like 60s rockers in the subways.

  8. yellow roses mixed up with wild plants

    dunno, probably marsipan or something, i aint really a cake person so would just find something edible that thougth most would enjoy


    yeah totaly, would depend on which size and type of wedding ended up desciding on, the jury is out on that (we discussed pro and cons a lot but just dont know what we would prefer)

  9. other: mate

    nothing else should really matter

  10. I already had my wedding- but if i could have had an actual wedding this is what id do! :)

    Flowers: I LOVE daisies! So id do white daisies- inexpensive, simple & beautiful!

    Cake: Red Velvet! Love it!  With orange fondant & three daisies on the top layer.

    Colors: deep rustic orange, red & brown! Beautiful fall colors that would be gorgeous with the daisies. :)

  11. flowers: different shades of roses the brides the darkest red

    cake: triple layer chocolate with vanilla icing and a mini waterfountain in the middle

    colors: deep red white afterparty reception blue

    dress: white long train long veil

    that would be totally awesome

  12. Other:   elope to Vegas, it's perfect.  

  13. read Breaking Dawn.

    Be Edward

    Have that wedding.


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