
What would you do for your pet?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 cats. 2 boys and 1 girl--The boys get along with each other and all guests. The girl only gets along with one of the other 2 sometimes and will not let anyone else other than me pet her. She hisses at both the others and any other pet she comes into contact with. Sometimes she even swipes and scratches me when I don't pet her as long as she would like. I'm beginning to think she needs a home where she is the only pet but I've had her for 2 years. She spends most of her time running and hiding from the other cats and people. What would you do?




  1. I think I'd find a new home for her. - It may seem a little sad to let her go, but if you want her to be a happy cat, consider what she needs to be one.

  2. hmm... she sounds alot like my cat cc.... she origionally shared a home with 3 dogs and 1 other cat, but wasn't adapting well at all... well she was down right mean....we tried taking her with us when we moved, and at the time she was our only pet and she was still the same... our next answer was to put her down, but she ran away. She was an inside outside cat, so she came and went as she pleased. But you can't have a pet that hurts you or your guests. Try to find a cat trainer in your area. They can be trained just like dogs... CC just never took to it well. good luck.

  3. Well I don't know how long you've had this problem but I sounds similar to my cats.

    My one cat (girl, has passed since then) had been around since before i was born, she wouldn't even let me touch her until I was 4. She didn't like that my brother and I were brought into the world. Then we got another cat and we looked a little better to her. She didn't like the new kitten, he had too much energy and being a kitten got lots of attention. We made sure that she got just as much attention to make her still feel welcome, she did like to hiss a lot and try to show the other cat she was the head of the cats, but they learned to deal with each other. I can't say they ever really liked each other but it got better. She was very picky on who was aloud to touch her, she would swipe at us as well sometimes. But even some strangers in the house could get her to come to them if they were patient.

    So I think you should try keeping her for now, sometimes they can get over not liking some people/animals and it's a lot of the time you just need to be patient with the cat. Of course if nothing changes within a year, I mean nothing changes at all, then maybe it would be best if she was put in a home where she's the head and only kitty. May I suggest perhaps, if a cousin or someone is looking for a cat, you could maybe offer yours. Then they might be able to be the head kitty and you could still visit her. Just an idea

    Hope this all helps, best of luck!

  4. Well personally I just don't think I could give up one of my pets. I have a 15 year old cat who has been grouchy her whole life and sounds like yours but I really believe thjats just her personality as she was the same before we got any other pets. The choice is up to you but its honestly probably just your cats nature. And cats always have their favourite people haha. Good luck!

  5. She may need to be the head kitty of the house.  Some animals are just like that.  (They really are like people)  Don't take it personal.  Who knows she may be going through some female kitty menopause sort of thing.   ?????  But it does sound like it is time to start saying your goodbyes.  It'll be hard but everyone deserves to be comfortable.  You, the other cats, and Ms Diva Cat.

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